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Growth and development during Infancy
Physical growth Gross motor development Fine motor development Sensory development Vocalization Social and cognitive development
Age one month Physical growth:
Wt gain per week for first 6 months (in first 4 months, gains ¾ kg monthly). Ht gain 2.5 cm per month in first 6 month (25 cm in first year ) (Average length at birth is 50 cm, At one year about 75cm and 100cm at 4 years). Primitive reflexes are present and strong.
Temperature regulation is altered because of poorly sweating and shivering mechanism.
Normal respiratory rate from per minute, respiration is irregular and usually abdominal and obligatory nasal breather. Normal blood pressure 82/46, pulse range from /beat per minute.
Gross motor development :
Assume flexed position with pelvis high when prone Can turn head from side to side. When supine position assume asymmetric tonic neck reflex.
Fine motor : Hand predominantly closed; grasp reflex strong.
Sensory development : Vision is poor, able to fixate on moving object in range of 45 degree when hold in distance of 25 cm. follow light to midline Neonate can be stimulated by held, rocked or watching a black and white mobile. Hearing and touch are well developed, hearing may be altered because the ears are filled with amniotic fluid.
Vocalization : Crying to express no pleasure Make comfort sound during feeding.
Social and cognitive development :
Use of reflexes, watch parent face if talk directly to infant. Brain growth depend on myelination.
Just a Note…… Myelination is the process of forming a myelin sheath around a nerve to allow nerve impulses to move more quickly. Myelin, which is made up of fatty lipids and proteins, accumulates around nerve cells, or neurons. Myelin plays an essential role in the health and function of nerve cells, the brain, and the nervous system
Age 2 months Physical growth : Posterior fontanels closed. Reflexes reach their peak specially sucking reflex which afford nutrition, survival and psychological pleasure .
Gross motor development:
When prone assume flexed position , turn head to side ,can left head 45 degree of table . When hold in sitting position ,head is held up but bobs forward. Hand frequently open . Reflexive behavior is slowly replaced by voluntary movement.
Sensory development : When supine, follow light from side to point beyond midline and show eye coordination to light and object. Eye follow better both vertically and horizontally and focus well . Turn head to side (towards sound) when sound is made at level of ear.
Vocalization : Crying become differentiated . Vocalize to familiar voice.
Just a note…. Crying become differentiated
The 6 types of cries Babies tend to have different cries to express different needs or emotions. 1. I'm hungry 2. I'm tired or uncomfortable 3. It’s noisy 4. I'm bored 5. I've got colic 6. I'm sick Decoding Your Baby’s 7 Types of Cries
Social and cognitive : Demonstrate social smile to various stimuli . Visually look to sound. May squeal يصيح when stimulated by touching and talking.
Age 3 months Physical development: The most of reflexes begin to disappear except for the protective reflexes such as (parachute, cough, swallow, and gag reflex). Indicate preference for prone or supine position.
Gross motor: Able to raise head and shoulder from prone position to degree angle from table. Bear weight on forearm. Able to hold head more erect when sitting but still bob forward. Make crawling movement with legs, he may get chest off surface.
Fine motor : Actively hold rattle خرخاشة, pull blanket and clothes, and hand kept loosely open. Has fairly good head control. Discover hands - strike at objects while watching hands. Hold object in hands and bring it to mouth.
Sensory motor : Follow object peripherally "180 degree". Locate sound by turning head and looking in same direction .
Vocalization: Squeal at aloud to show pleasure, vocalize when smiling. Babble بَعْبَعَة ؛ بَقْبَقَة ؛ ثَرْثَرَة and coos قَرْقَر ؛ هَدَر ؛ هَدَل.
Social and cognitive: Can recognize familiar faces and feeding bottle. Stop crying when mother enters room or when she caressed. Enjoy playing during feeding. Stay awake longer without crying. Show pleasure from sucking, purposefully gets hands to mouth. Is aware of strange situations.
Age 4 months Physical development: Drooling begins. Tonic neck and rooting reflexes have disappear.
Gross motor : Has almost no head lag تراخي when pulled to sitting position. Balance head well in sitting position . Rolls his body from back to side. Sits with minimal support.
Fine motor development:
Inspect and play with hand. Pulls clothes and blanket over face in play. Grasp object with both hands and every thing goes into mouth. Reached for offered object. The infant explore own feet.
Sensory development : Binocular vision ثنائي العينية fairly well established . Begins eye-hand coordination. Eye focus on small object. Listen –turn head to familiar sound.
Just a note….. Binocular, comes from the Latin word bini, meaning ''two,'' and the Greek oculus, meaning ''eye.'' So, the term refers to two eyes focusing on one visual image.
Vocalization: Laugh is loud. Vocalization change according to mood. Difference between pleasure and non pleasure sounds.
Socialization and cognitive :
Demand attention by fussing تدليل. Become bored if left alone. Enjoy social interaction with people. Recognize and become more interested in mother. Enjoy being propped مَسْنُود in sitting position. Actively interested in environment.
Age 5 months Physical development:
Birth weight doubles and length becomes 62 cm. Infant sleeps through the night with one or two naps a day.
Gross motor: Can turn over from abdomen to back. Can set for longer period if back well supported. In supine position put feet in mouth. When prone ,the infant uses the arm to push the chest up and push the body toward the feet (try to crawl). Infant sits only with support.
Fine motor : Able to grasp object voluntary. Can transfer object from hand to another. Play with toys. Hold one cup for a second.
Able to sustain visual inspection to an object.
Sensory development: Able to sustain visual inspection to an object. Can localize sound made below the ear.
Vocalization : Sequel, make vowel, cooing sound interpreted with consonant sound “ ah –goo”.
Social and cognitive : Smile at mirror image. Put bottle or breast with both hands. Discover part of the body.
Age 6 months Physical development:
Growth rate decline, wt gain gm weekly for the next 6 months. Height gain 1.25cm per month for next 6 ms. Head circumference gain 0.5 cm monthly for the next 6 months. Teething may begin with eruption of two lower central incisors.
Gross motor development :
When prone the infant can left chest and upper abdomen from table bearing weight on hands. Sit in his high chair with back straight.
Fine motor development:
Rescue a dropped object and hold bottle . Grasp and manipulate small objects.
Sensory development: Prefer more complex visual stimuli. Can localize sound made above the ear. Well turn head to the side and look up or down.
Vocalization: Begin to initiate sounds . Babbling may syllables i.e. ma da hi.
Socialization and cognitive:
Recognize parents and begin to fear strangers. Hold arms up to be picked up. Response to own name . Frequent mood swings from crying to laughing with little or no provocation.
Age 7 months Physical development :
Eruption of upper central incisors.
Gross motor : Sit with support of both hands forward. When putting in prone position ,bear weight in one hand. Can bear full weight on his feet. Sit with out support momentarily for short period of time.
Fine motor development:
Transfer object from one hand to another. Transfer and put the object in mouth by one hand. Can hold two cups for small period of time.
Sensory development : Can fixate on very small object. Has taste preference .
Vocalization: Produce vowel sound and chained syllables Baba ,Mama, dada, kaka . Talk when another is talking to him.
Socialization and cognitive :
Increase fear from strangers and show sign of fearfulness when mother disappears. Initiate simple act to noise . Demonstrate dislike of food by keeping lip closed.
Age 8 months Physical development:
Begins to show regular pattern in bladder and bowel elimination. Parachute reflex appears (or at 9-month old).
Gross motor: Sit steadily un supported. Adjust his /her posture to reach an object.
Fine motor development :
Rings bell purposely. Secure an object by pulling on a string.
Sensory development : Beginning awareness of depth and space.
Vocalization : Listen selectively to familiar words. Combines syllables such as mama ,dada but still does not know the meaning of these words.
Socialization and cognitive :
Has respond to the word NO . Increase fear of strangers. Increase anxiety when mother is not present.
Age 9 months Physical development :
Eruption of upper lateral incisors .
Gross motor : Creep on hands and knees. Pull himself to stand and stand holding of furniture .
Fine motor : Pincer grasp by use of thumb and index. The infant self feed crackers and a bottle.
Sensory development: Localize sounds by turning head diagonally قطري, دائري and directly toward sounds. Increase depth perception.
Vocalization : Responds to simple verbal commands /comprehend no – no.
Socialization and cognitive:
Mother become more important to him. Begin to fear of going bed and left alone. Pull his arm in front of face to avoid washing . The infant begins imitating the expression of others.
Age 10 months Gross motor Infant become able to raise head
Can change from prone to sitting position Stand well holding on furniture Sits by falling down
Vocalization : Begin to really speech ,say mama dada with meaning Comprehend bye
Socialization and cognitive
Inhibits behavior to verbal command No. Imitate facial expression. Respond to own name . Wave hand with bye –bye. Look and follow picture in book.
Age 11 months Physical development:
Eruption of lower lateral incisors may begin.
Gross motor: Walk holding furniture or with hand supported. When sitting: pivots to reach towards back to pick up object (يستدير للخلف).
Fine motor : explore object more thoroughly. Put object after another into container (sequential play).
Vocalize : Imitate definite speech sound.
Socialization and cognitive:
Experience joy and satisfaction when tasks mastered. Rolls ball to another when requested. Shake head for no.
Age 12 months Physical development:
Birth weight tripled and height increase by 50% (in 6 months wt doubles). Head circumference increase 2.6 cm from months (0.5 cm monthly from 6-12 months). Head and chest circumference about 47cm Has total 6-8 teeth. Babinski reflex disappear.
Gross motor : Walk with support of one hand. May attempt to stand alone for moment. May attempted first step alone. Can sit down from standing position without help.
Language development:
Say 3-5 words beside mama and Baba. Comprehend meaning of several words. Recognize object by name. Imitate animal sounds. Understand simple verbal command as :give me ,show me.
Socialization and cognitive:
Anger and fear. May give hug or kiss when requested. Enjoy familiar surrounding and explore away from parent. Show emotion such as jealousy. Search an object even unhidden . END
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