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Hari/masa Kuliah: Isnin & Rabu/4:00 – 5:00 Bilik: BSFB Rujukan Utama:

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Presentation on theme: "Hari/masa Kuliah: Isnin & Rabu/4:00 – 5:00 Bilik: BSFB Rujukan Utama:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hari/masa Kuliah: Isnin & Rabu/4:00 – 5:00 Bilik: BSFB Rujukan Utama:
Kod Kursus: SMES2208 Tajuk Kursus: Optik Hari/masa Kuliah: Isnin & Rabu/4:00 – 5:00 Bilik: BSFB Rujukan Utama: Frank L. Pedrotti , Leno M. Pedrotti, Leno S. Pedrotti, Introduction to Optics, 3nd Edition, Prentice Hall (2007) Eugene Hecht, Optics, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley (2002) F.A. Jenkins & H.E. White, Fundamentals of Optics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill (1981)

2 Pensyarah: Kwek Kuan Hiang
Tel: , Hari/masa Pertemuan: Selasa/Khamis/ 2:00-3:00 ptg Bilik: A320 atau Makmal Optik Kaedah Penilaian: 30% Ujian + 70% pepriksaan Tarikh penting: 25/8/08 Ujian1 Ujian2 15/11/08 Peperiksaan

3 No one’s perfect. So I give lots of partial credit.
But you must say what you’re doing! Write a lot of text in addition to equations in your homework, tests and exam.

4 The Importance of Having Class
You should come to class because there’s a lot that I’ll say that won’t be in the Power Point files. And which will be on the tests. In the past, people who have skipped a lot of classes have received very bad grades. Conversely, people who’ve come to most or all of the classes nearly always receive A’s and B’s.

5 Why study optics? This course will change the way you look at the world. Literally. We’ll talk about things you see every day but generally don’t question. Why do windows act like mirrors at night? Does light really always travel in a straight line? What’s the difference between a laser and a light bulb? What’s going on in a rainbow? Why is the sky blue? Why is an oily film on a puddle so colorful? What’s all this business about light slowing down and speeding up?

6 Why study optics? Lasers and fiber optics will soon replace most wires.

7 Optics has some unintuitive ideas.
But when you think about them for a while, they make sense.

8 Understanding the ideas of each lecture requires the knowledge of the previous lectures.
If you keep up, you won’t end up looking like this the night before the tests and exam!

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