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Plant Bluff Name that plant! Cool Stuff Plants Do Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Bluff Name that plant! Cool Stuff Plants Do Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Bluff Name that plant! Cool Stuff Plants Do Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
General Plant Information Land Plant Adaptations Cool Stuff Plants Do Angiosperms Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 General Plant Info A multicellular eukaryote that can produce its own food through photosynthesis.

3 $100 Answer General Plant Info

4 Plants have cell walls made of...
$200 General Plant Info Plants have cell walls made of...

5 $200 Answer General Plant Info

6 The most likely ancestor of land plants is...
$300 General Plant Info The most likely ancestor of land plants is...

7 $300 Answer General Plant Info
Green Algae

8 Name the polysaccharide that plants use to store energy.
$400 General Plant Info Name the polysaccharide that plants use to store energy.

9 $400 Answer General Plant Info

10 Draw and explain the cladogram showing plant phylogeny.
$500 General Plant Info Draw and explain the cladogram showing plant phylogeny.

11 $500 Answer General Plant Info
Flowering plants Cone-bearing plants Ferns Mosses Flowers; seeds enclosed in fruit Seeds Water-conducting (vascular) tissue Green algae ancestor

12 $100 Name That Plant! What is the name of the phylum containing non-vascular, seedless plants?

13 $100 Answer Name That Plant!

14 What are 2 examples of seedless vascular plants?
$200 Name That Plant! What are 2 examples of seedless vascular plants?

15 $200 Answer Name That Plant!
Ferns & Horsetails

16 $300 Name That Plant! The development of vascular tissue separates the bryophytes from the ______________.

17 $300 Answer Name That Plant!

18 $400 Name That Plant! Gymnosperms are referred to as __________ seeds. Angiosperms are commonly referred to as ___________ plants.

19 $400 Answer Name That Plant!
"Naked", flowering

20 $500 Name That Plant! An orange tree would be classified in the same division (phylum) as: a pine tree, a horse tail, or a tulip?

21 $500 Answer Name That Plant!

22 $100 Land Plant Adaptations
What protective layer did plants develop to prevent water loss?

23 $100 Answer Land Plant Adaptations

24 $200 Land Plant Adaptations
Why did land plants grow leaves?

25 $200 Answer Land Plant Adaptations
To maximize the number of cells exposed to the sun (for photosynthesis).

26 $300 Land Plant Adaptations
Do mosses have a vascular system? How do they get their water?

27 $300 Answer Land Plant Adaptations
No. Mosses get water via osmosis.

28 $400 Land Plant Adaptations
Why did land plants develop seeds?

29 $400 Answer Land Plant Adaptations
To protect the embryo and provide it with a constant source of nutrients until the plant develops its own vascular system.

30 $500 Land Plant Adaptations
List all adaptations that allow plants to survive on land and explain why green algae do NOT need these adaptations.

31 $500 Answer Land Plant Adaptations
Roots, Vascular Tissue, Leaves, Cuticle, Seeds.

32 How are angiosperms different from other plants?

33 $100 Answer Angiosperms They produce seeds, flowers, and fruit.

34 $200 Angiosperms Define Pollination.

35 $200 Answer Angiosperms When pollen from the anther attaches to the top of the pistil (stigma). Pollination results in the formation of a pollen tube from the stigma to the ovary.

36 $300 Angiosperms What are the three parts of the pistil? Is the pistil male or female? What are the two parts of the stamen? Is the stamen male or female?

37 Stigma, Style, and Ovary (female); anther and filament (male)
$300 Answer Angiosperms Stigma, Style, and Ovary (female); anther and filament (male)

38 $400 Angiosperms What are the male and female gametes of an angiosperm, and where are they located?

39 Sperm: made in anther. Ovule: located in ovary.
$400 Answer Angiosperms Sperm: made in anther. Ovule: located in ovary.

40 $500 Angiosperms Compare and contrast monocots and dicots: leaves, cotyledons, petals, roots

41 $500 Answer Angiosperms Monocots Dicots
Single cotyledon (first embryonic leaf) Two cotyledons (first embryonic leaves) Parallel leaf veins Branched leaf veins Flower petals in 3’s Flower petals in 4’s or 5’s Roots are fibrous One big tap root

42 $100 Cool Stuff Plants Do Define Tropism

43 $100 Answer Cool Stuff Plants Do
Response of Plants to External Stimuli

44 What are the 3 tropisms we talked about? Be prepared to discuss each.
$200 Cool Stuff Plants Do What are the 3 tropisms we talked about? Be prepared to discuss each.

45 $200 Answer Cool Stuff Plants Do
Phototropism, Gravitropism, Thigmotropism

46 Fern leaves are called __________. They release __________.
$300 Cool Stuff Plants Do Fern leaves are called __________. They release __________.

47 $300 Answer Cool Stuff Plants Do
Fronds, Spores

48 $400 Cool Stuff Plants Do What is a stoma? What is it used for? When it is open, what is lost as a consequence?

49 $400 Answer Cool Stuff Plants Do
Hole (pore) in leaves of plants that is used for gas exchange. When it is open, water is lost (transpiration).

50 $500 Cool Stuff Plants Do Name two types of plant hormones and describe their role/use for the plant.

51 $500 Answer Cool Stuff Plants Do
Cytokinins, Ethylene, Auxins

52 Final Jeopardy

53 Final Jeopardy Answer

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