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‘Mazin Moisturizers Emily Bennett December 8th, th Period

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1 ‘Mazin Moisturizers Emily Bennett December 8th, 2014 8th Period
Mr. Gorden

2 Which moisturizer works best to keep skin the most moist?
Problem/Question: Which moisturizer works best to keep skin the most moist?

3 Background I chose this project because, I personally get dry skin in the winter time. I absolutely hate having dry skin. So, I wanted to determine what type of moisturizer would be the most effective on skin.

4 Hypothesis I predict that if I put 50 mL of moisturizer in each petri dish on top of the gelatin, then the Eucerin brand will keep the gelatin(Jell-O) the most moist.

5 Variables Independent Variable(IV): Type of moisturizer
Dependent Variable(DV): How moist the gelatin is with the moisturizer applied Constants: Amount of Jell-O Amount of moisturizer applied Amount of time tested

6 Procedure Pour 50 mL into each petri dish
Put lids back on petri dishes and place in refrigerator where they will be distributed for 4 hours After each day, weigh each petri dish Add 2 tbsp. of the correct moisturizer to each petri dish Repeat Step 3 everyday for 6 days

7 Materials/Safety Petri dishes Different brands of moisturizers
Permanent markers Gelatin(Jell-O) Measuring cup(s) Stove Scale


9 Data Burt’s Bee’s Equate(Walmart Brand) Eucerin Aveeno 5g 4.5g 4g 3.5g
Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 17

10 Conclusion Which moisturizer works best to keep skin moist?
What I did in this science experiment is I put Jell-O into petri dishes and the Jell-O would represent the skin. I let them sit for six days to see which would be the moistest. My objective was to find the petri dish that weighed the most by the end of the experiment. Turns out, the gelatin in the petri dish with the brand “Eucerin” weighed the most. My data does support my hypothesis because, I stated that the “Eucerin” brand will be the moistest. I’ve learned that if the object that you are buying is cheaper, it doesn’t always mean that it will have the greatest outcome. I’ve also learned that skin can dry out quickly if you don’t apply a moisturizer to skin. An error that occurred was when I wasn’t being quite precise with applying the moisturizers onto the gelatin. What I would do differently with this experiment is to have a better tool to extract the gelatin from the measuring cup.

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