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High-level Working Group on Statistical Confidentiality

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1 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS) Item 5.5. of the agenda
High-level Working Group on Statistical Confidentiality Luxembourg, October 2009 Eurostat E-6 ‘Transport’, Simo PASI 22-23-Oct-09

2 Structure of the presentation
EU road freight statistics Data collected Data disseminated Data proposed for access under 831/2002 Conclusion 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

3 EU road freight statistics
Used for monitoring the transport intensity of the EU economy (“structural indicators”), the Common market, the share of different transport modes (“modal split”), regional development, infrastructure bottlenecks (trans-European transport networks). Based on sample surveys respecting Council regulation (EC) 1172/98. 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

4 Data collected (1/2) Vehicle record Journey record Goods record
vehicle age activity (branch) vehicle-kms extrapolation factor Journey record vehicle characteristics place of loading and unloading tranCCt countries loading & unloading to another mode of transport - weight of goods - distance - tonne-kms Goods record type of goods dangerous goods type of cargo place of loading and unloading tonnes tonne-kms distance 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

5 Data collected (2/2) Reporting countries provide Eurostat with micro-data provided by owners of vehicles falling into samples from CNA’s vehicle registers A1 CC;A1;2008;Q1;13;;9;H4942;100;0;64,55;;5 CC;A1;2008;Q1;26;;4;H4942;1921;529;64,55;;13 CC;A1;2008;Q1;39;;9;H4942;2347;277;64,55;;11 A2 CC;A2;2008;Q1;13;1;223;190;367;1;1;247;CC021;CC021;20;494;;;;9;1 CC;A2;2008;Q1;13;2;223;190;367;1;1;161;CC021;CC021;20;322;;;;9;1 CC;A2;2008;Q1;13;3;223;190;367;1;1;252;CC021;CC021;20;504;;;;9;1 A3 CC;A3;2008;Q1;13;1;1;13;247;0;4;CC021;CC021;20 CC;A3;2008;Q1;13;2;1;13;161;0;4;CC021;CC021;20 CC;A3;2008;Q1;13;3;1;13;252;0;4;CC021;CC021;20 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

6 Data disseminated Old tables CNA’s -NSI A1 -DoT Main tables … A2
Cabotage tables A3 Data exchange 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

7 Data proposed for access under CR 831/2003 (1/3)
Description Period Aggregated on dimensions Note 8 Units D1 Transport operations at country level (laden journeys) year -reporting country -country of loading -country of unloading -type of goods -type of transport -age class -distance class -axle configuration Tonnes Tonne-km Vehicle-km Movements Number of vehicle records D1.1 Transport of dangerous goods at country level (laden journeys) -reporting country -country of loading -country of unloading -dangerous goods -type of transport D2 Transport operations at country level (empty journeys) -reporting country -country of origin -country of destination -type of transport -age class -distance class Vehicle-km Movements Number of vehicle records 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

8 Data proposed for access under CR 831/2003 (2/3)
Description Period Aggregated on dimensions Note 8 Units D3 Transport operations at regional level (laden journeys) year -reporting country -region of loading -region of unloading -axle configuration -type of cargo -age class Tonnes Tonne-km Vehicle-km Movements Number of vehicle records D3.1 -reporting country -region of loading -type of goods -axle configuration -age class D3.2 -reporting country -region of unloading -type of goods -axle configuration -age class D4 Transport operations at regional level (empty journeys) -reporting country -region of origin -region of destination -axle configuration -age class Vehicle-km Movements Number of vehicle records 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

9 Data proposed for access under CR 831/2003 (3/3)
Description Period Aggregated on dimensions Note 8 Units D5 Transit transport (laden and empty journeys) year -transit country -reporting country -laden/empty -region of origin -region of destination Tonnes Movements Number of vehicle records Note 8 For the D-tables, the following classifications will be used: type of transport: own account/hire or reward age class: three classes distance class: four classes region: NUTS-3 axle configuration: aggregated to vehicle types (lorry, articulated vehicle and road train). 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

10 Conclusion Road freight statistics are needed in monitoring the EU transport and regional policies. Eurostat receives micro-data on individual consignments of heavy goods vehicles in the sample. Reporting countries receive “anonymised micro-data” in data exchange tables. Data exchange tables should fulfil most researchers’ data needs, not already fulfilled by regular dissemination tables. 22-23-Oct-09 HLWGSC 5.5 Proposal of granting access to Road Freight Transport Statistics (RFTS)

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