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Plough’s Classroom Policies and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Plough’s Classroom Policies and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plough’s Classroom Policies and Procedures


3 Expectations Follow the rules Arrive to class on time
Come to class prepared

4 Enforcement Warning Removal from situation
**Arguing or questioning will result in 3rd step Removal from class and referral (sentences, call home, Keegan, dean) **Do not come back to class that day Habitual: Recommendation for detention school

5 Uniform Policy Pants: Black, gray, navy, brown, khaki NO blue jeans
NO sagging NO leggings/yoga pants

6 Uniform Policy Cont’d Shirts Any solid or striped color Plaid Collar
Spirit wear: college, AHS Plain sweat shirt or hoodie Do NOT show cleavage!

7 Electronics Silent and put away
Ask for permission if you need to silence your phone Enforcement Teacher will confiscate the electronic(s) and give to Mrs. Keegan. Mrs. Keegan will return the electronics during afternoon announcements

8 Food NO food! Enforcement Put it away Throw it away
Throw it away and referral

9 Sleeping Students are not supposed to sleep in class. Enforcement
Woken up Will receive a 0 for that day

10 Tardies Students are late if they enter the classroom after the door is closed. Please get a pass if a teacher (etc.) keeps you after class Enforcement Referral at 3rd tardy

11 Materials I have supplied you with a spiral notebook, folder, and pencil. These items stay in the classroom. I will NOT replace them!

12 Papers In pencil only Heading papers (Written on the board)
May be deducted 5% Heading papers (Written on the board) Upper-right hand corner First Last name Period Date Assignment 1 point deducted

13 Papers Cont’d Late papers
Homework not turned in at the beginning of class Class work not turned in at the end of class Deducted 5%

14 Papers Cont’d ALL work is due each 3 weeks and will NOT be accepted after the due date. Last Chance Due Dates: Friday, August 21st Friday, September 11th Friday, October 2nd Friday, November 6th Tuesday, November 24th Friday, December 18th Friday, January 29th Friday, February 19th Friday, March 11th Friday, April 15th Friday, May 6th

15 Papers Cont’d Papers earning a C- or lower may be corrected for ½ credit Due date will be on the paper Late papers will not be accepted

16 Papers Cont’d Make-up/Detention school work Go to my website Ask me what you missed Notes are on my website Get worksheets from the extra copies folder You have the same amount of days to complete missing work as absent Turn in absent work to me

17 Grading Scale Letter Grade Percentage A+ 97% - 100% A 93% - 96% A-
90% - 92% B+ 87% - 89% B 83% - 86% B- 80% - 82% C+ 77% - 79% C 73% - 76% C- 70% - 72% D+ 67% - 69% D 63% - 66% D- 60% - 62% F 59% - Lower

18 Before Class Line up in front of the bulletin board in “E” hallway.
I will escort you to the classroom when the 3rd bell rings. Line up outside the classroom. I will greet you as you enter the classroom.

19 During Class Turn cell phone on silent and put away
I will pass out the supplies Write notes Ask questions Complete activity

20 End of Class When the 1st bell rings: When the 2nd bell rings:
Paper off the floor Papers turned in Supplies returned to the correct place Anything else I announce When the 2nd bell rings: I will escort you to “E” hallway.

21 Restroom The BEST time to use the restroom is during passing period!
6 Passes per quarter Unused = 5 points extra credit each May ask to go to the restroom during independent work Sign out Have the teacher sign your agenda Sign in One person out at a time

22 Locker You may not go to your locker.

23 Answering Questions Raise your hand and I’ll call on you
I will call on students randomly

24 Antisocial Pass 1 per quarter Do not have to participate in discussion
Must work independently on class work 5 points extra credit if not used

25 Hallway Privileges How it works: RED: 2 minute passing period
Students may ask to level up each Thursday based on that week's behavior. They may ask any teacher for a "level up" form and may return it to any teacher. All teachers will discuss this during Friday and students will receive their new cards the following Monday. Without the card, no privilege will be issued. Students who have a red card due to a referral may earn their way to one level below what they were on prior to red the following week. Example: Week 10-green, Week 11-red, Week 12-blue Referrals written for tardies (including the first warning referral) are included. Students must be passing all classes to be on pink; no more than one F for green; no more than two Fs for blue. Three or more failing grades will put a student on yellow. They will no longer go to red simply for grades. RED: 2 minute passing period YELLOW: 5 minute passing period, within “E” hallway BLUE: 5 minute passing, outside of “E” hallway GREEN: 5 minute passing, outside of “E” hallway AND leave 2 minutes early to lunch PINK: 5 minute passing, outside of “E” hallway AND leave 2 minutes early to lunch AND free success period

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