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Efficient State Update for Key Management

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1 Efficient State Update for Key Management
Proc. IEEE, Vol. 92, No.6, June 2004

2 Outline Introduction The LKH (logical key hierarchy) scheme
The state update problem A concise presentation of keys A method with no security against collusions A method secure against collusions Updating keys

3 Introduction Encryption is widely used to enforce usage rules for digital content Content is encrypted using a group key which is known to a group of users in many scenarios When users leave or join the group, the group key must be changed prevent leaving members from decrypting content in the future Prevent joining members from decrypting previous content (backward secrecy) O(n) messages How to reduce the overhead of the key update messages?

4 The LKH scheme

5 The LKH scheme The GC (group controller) associates a binary tree with the group and associates each user with a different leaf of this tree The GC associate a random key with each node of the tree and knows the keys of all the nodes Each user knows the keys in the path from the user’s leaf to the root

6 The LKH scheme When a user is removed from the group
The GC must change all the keys in the path from this user’s leaf to the root All the users that remain in the group must update their keys The GC send a single message containing an encryption of 2log(n)-1 keys Canetti etc. reduce the overhead to a single message with log(n) encryptions of keys

7 The LKH scheme When a user wants to join the group
The keys that the joining user receives must be different than the keys previously used in the system The joining user is assigned a leaf All the keys in the path from this leaf to the root must be updated (Why not change only the root key?)

8 The state update problem
The LKH method is efficient Each user has to keep a personal key with log n keys (length=log(n)|k|bits) The length of a key update message is also log(n)|k|bits The main drawback of the basic LKH method The requirement that group users update their state whenever users join or leave the group The total length of the message = t log(n) |k| The key update messages might not be received by all users since Internet’s multicast communication is lossy Users might be offline most of the time in a DRM setting-Once the user is online again, it should get the group keys that were used since the last time it was connected

9 The state update problem
Make state updates as efficient as possible Traditional method: t log(n) keys if t key updates New method : t + log(n) keys if t key updates (only need to know the “current” personal keys of the nodes in the path from the user’s leaf to root) Additional improvements Group keys can be generated in a method that enables a concise representation of a sequence of consecutive keys Insecure against collusion attacks t consecutive group keys can be sent using a message of O(1) keys ( 2|k|bits ) Secure against collusion attacks t consecutive group keys can be sent using a message of O(log t ) keys ( 2 log t|k| bits )

10 The state update problem
The communication overhead of t state updates Traditional method: O(t log(n)|k|)bits New method in this paper: O(log t|k|) bits Insecure against collusion attacks O(|k|) + O(log t|k|) bits Secure against collusion attacks O(log t|k|) + O(log t|k|) bits

11 A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions
Let N be a predefined constant, and let F be a pseudorandom generator with input length |k|bits and output length 2|k|bits The GC chooses two seeds L1 and RN, each of length k. Denote by F0(x) and F1(x), the left and right halves of the output of F F F0(x) F1(x) x

12 The method is not secure against collusions
A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions The method is not secure against collusions e.g. user A paid for content during [1,100] user B paid for content during [201,300] user A is offline during [50,70] user B is offline during [250,270]  the GC gives user A L50, R gives user B L250, R A and B can use L50 and R270 to compute k50,…,k270

13 A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions
The key ki is used as the group key after the ith key update Given Li and Rj with i<j, one can compute all the keys ki,…,kj  the length of the update message is 2|k| bits

14 A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions

15 A concise representation of keys- A method secure against collusions
let F be a pseudorandom generator with input length |k|bits and output length 2|k|bits, and denote by F0(x), F1(x) the left and right halves of the output of F for an input x The GC choose a random key of length |k| for the root of a full binary tree of depth log(N) which as N leaves Go from the root down: let v be a node, and let v0, v1 be its two sons. Denote the key of node v by kv, then kv0=F0(kv) and kv1=F1(kv) The key of the ith leaf is used as the group key after the ith key update

16 A concise representation of keys- A method secure against collusions
A key of a node v can be used to compute the keys of all the leaves of the subtree rooted in v <Theorem 2> Given any set S of leaves, and the values of the keys of a set of nodes R (either internal nodes or leaves) such that S is exactly the union of the leaves of the subtrees rooted by nodes in R, the values of the other nodes of the tree are pseudorandom Consider a user which did not receive the messages of t successive key updates and needs to learn the keys of the t successive leaves which were associated with the group keys sent in these key updates. Denote this set of leaves as S, the GC should send to the user the keys of the nodes in R

17 A concise representation of keys- A method secure against collusions
<Lemma 2> Let T be a complete binary tree with N=2n leaves. Then given any set S of consecutive leaves, there is a set R of at most 2n-2 nodes such that S is exactly the union of the leaves of the subtrees rooted by the nodes in R. <proof> <Theorem 3> Given any set S of t consecutive leaves in a complete binary tree, there is a set R of at most nodes such that S is exactly the union of the leaves of the subtrees rooted by the nodes in R. <proof>

18 Updating keys on the path from a leaf to the root
<Theorem4> For any user, after t key updates of random leaf keys using the LKH protocol: It holds with high probability that log t + O(1) keys need to be updated; The expected number of keys that have to be updated is at most log(t) + log log(n/t) + O(1) <proof>

19 Updating keys on the path from a leaf to the root

20 A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions

21 A concise representation of keys- A method with no security against collusions

22 A concise representation of keys- A method secure against collusions
Let Ti be a complete binary tree with 2i leaves. Ri=max(Ri-1,2Ei-1) Ei=max(Ei-1,Ei-1+1)=Ei-1+1 R1=E1=1 Ri=2Ei-1=2i-2 Ei=i

23 A concise representation of keys- A method secure against collusions
Let N=2n be the number of leaves in the tree Let r= Consider the tree of as a collection of N/2r subtrees t/2<2r≤t leaves in S can span at most three consecutive such subtrees (some or all of the leaves of the outer subtrees are contained in S) Applying Lemma 2, |R|=Er+1+Er=2r+1=

24 Updating keys on the path from a leaf to the root
Considering t key updates, P( the intersection with all the paths from the leaves of the updated keys are of length at most l) =(1-2-l)t Setting l=log t +c, (1-2-l)t= E( the length of the intersection path) < Setting c=loglog(n/t) E( )=logt+loglog(n/t)+O(1) High prob.

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