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Honors Algebra 2/Trig Fall 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Algebra 2/Trig Fall 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Algebra 2/Trig Fall 2018
Mr. Agnew

2 Classroom rules Always do your best Respect yourself and others
Be prepared to learn No cell phones while instruction is taking place

3 Topics we will study Tools of Algebra Linear Functions
Systems of Equations Graphing Quadratics Polynomials Graphing Radicals, Inverses & Compositions

4 Evaluation Tests & Projects 60% Quizzes & Classwork 30% Homework 10%

5 Reteach/Retake If a student makes below a 60 on an exam, he or she is eligible to be retaught and retested. The original grade will be replaced by the retest grade but will not exceed 70%.

6 Grading Progress reports after each major test
Late work is not accepted at any time If a student misses a day, it is their responsibility to make up any missed assignments. Classwork and homework assignments will be graded for completeness not accuracy Must show ALL work to receive credit

7 Materials & Supplies Bring binder to class everyday
Divided into 5 sections: Class Information, Class Starter, Notes, Homework, Quizzes/Classwork, & Study Guides Notebook test may be given Graphing Calculator

8 Attendance Allowed 4 parent notes a semester
Failure to make up assignments will result in a 0 Tardies are not acceptable 4 tardies = 1 unexcused absence 5th tardy = referral

9 Cheating Cheating on an assignment will result in a 0

10 Behavior Behavior problems will not be tolerated
No one should be walking around after the tardy bell rings and remain in your seat until the dismissal bell rings Work done for other classes during math will be collected and not returned Students may not leave the classroom during instruction, quizzes or tests

11 Remind 101 Text @pagnewa2t to the number  81010

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