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L1:Situating the Approach for Your QUEST

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1 L1:Situating the Approach for Your QUEST

2 Lesson 1: Learning Goals
Differentiate between discipline- specific paradigms and ways of knowing to help you situate your own topic of inquiry. Learning Objective 4.1B: Selecting and consistently applying an appropriate disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach to form a scholarly argument or aesthetic rationale.

3 Lesson 1: Focus In the Lord of the Rings, the council of Elrond must decide what to do with the Ring of Power. Why do you think that the elf, human, dwarf, hobbit, and wizard all approach the problem differently? Show from beginning to time 1:55.

4 L1: Teach

5 “Situating” Your Inquiry
Each discipline uses a specific way of knowing or paradigms to: understand phenomena, collect and analyze data or information, and generate new understandings. In order to situate and align your research project within a specific discipline, you must be aware of your own way of knowing or paradigms understand how your way of knowing connects (or disconnects) with the discipline’s way of knowing pertaining to your topic of inquiry. be aware of the type of knowledge that is valued by a discipline, be aware of the methods to get to that knowledge, and understand how that new knowledge is reported within a discipline.

6 L1: Practice

7 Ways of Knowing Read or skim the discipline-specific background information as assigned to your table. History = Green Science and Math = Orange Humanities = Blue Arts = Purple Review information online to develop responses to the following questions (on the next slide).

8 If link is broken… Use this link. Go to Google and search for “ Dimensions of Disciplinary Understanding” It will be the second link.

9 Questions to Guide the Development of your Chart
What ways does the discipline gather data or information to “know” or “understand” something? What are some ways a researcher should share or present information so it is valued by the discipline? How does conducting research and sharing results in ways that align to discipline expectations affect author credibility? Ways of Knowing HISTORY SCIENCE/ MATH HUMANITIES ARTS

10 Ways of Knowing Charts Science/Math ARTS Method of Inquiring
Gathering Data/Information Analyzing Data/Information Presenting Information ARTS Method of Inquiring Gathering Data/Information Analyzing Data/Information Presenting Information

11 Add More to Your Charts Consider the following categories and include one to three bullets for each category: Method of Inquiring: Inductive or Deductive (prove a hypothesis or link together evidence to make a hypothesis) Gathering Data/Information (What is a researcher in that discipline looking for?) Analyzing Data/Information (How should that information be organized and interpreted?) Presenting information (How should a researcher in that discipline present results to others in that discipline?) Share your group’s responses when directed.

12 Completing Your Understanding
After listening to all other disciplines, add two more categories to your discipline chart: Commonalities (What are the overlaps among the different disciplines?) Differences (What are distinct differences among the disciplines?) Complete the categories. Add information from other groups’ into your workbook or onto your chart.

13 Example

14 L1: Reflect

15 Reflection-Include your response in your workbook.
What similarities exist between the disciplines and their ways of knowing through forms, knowledge, methods, and purposes? How can you use the discipline-specific ways of knowing activity to strengthen your rationale for the method you will choose to develop or use to engage in your own research?

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