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Project Nexus Workgroup MPRN Lifecycle 11th August 2014

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1 Project Nexus Workgroup MPRN Lifecycle 11th August 2014

2 MPRN Creation GT M Number Creation activities will continue via CMS
No changes to the MPRN creation process All requests created pre & post Go Live will be processed as per current

3 MPRN Registration Registration process for a Greenfield site will not change. In the case of a Class 2 Smaller Supply Point, only a Confirmation is required (no need for a Nomination), the Shipper will have to provide an SOQ and SHQ No changes to registration of a Supply Point to Class 3 or 4 SSP Confirmation only LSP Nomination & Confirmation

4 MPRN Status Update Meter Point Status may be changed from ‘Dead’ to ‘Live’ Amendments to Meter Point Status will require Network approval (from Dead to Live & vice versa). The process to challenge a Meter Point Status will be via CMS, as per current process.

5 Unregistered Sites No transition issues identified
Unregistered sites to be discussed as part of the migration activities at a later date.

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