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Presentation on theme: "BODY IDIOMS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Break a LEG  Good luck

3 I’m all EARS  I’m listening

4 Have a sweet TOOTH  IDIOM MEANING
love sweet things like cakes chocolates and ice cream. EXAMPLE: “Mmm, give me some more chocolate. I have a sweet tooth”. IDIOM MEANING

5 Apple of my EYE  you love somebody more than anything else in the world.
EXAMPLE: “My son John is the apple of my eye.”

6 Don’t pull my LEG  stop kidding me.

7 My LIPS are sealed  I won’t tell a secret to anybody.
IDIOM MEANING My LIPS are sealed  I won’t tell a secret to anybody.

8 Give me a HAND  help me.

9 Costs an ARM and a LEG  too expensive
“ Everything in that boutique costs an arm and a leg.”

10 A pain in the NECK  to be fed up with somebody.
EXAMPLE: “ He’s a pain in the neck”

11 Beauty is only SKIN deep 
no matter how you look like, it’s what is inside what that matters.

12 My HAIR stood on end  I was rather surprised

13 Pay through the NOSE  it’s hard for you to pay for something

14 Give somebody the cold SHOULDER  IDIOM MEANING
somebody is ignoring you. “ She’s giving me the cold shoulder these days” IDIOM MEANING

15 Take the medicine on an empty stomach. 
eat something before you take the medicine. EXAMPLE: “You shouldn’t take that medicine on an empty stomach”

16 Have a big MOUTH  talks too much and cannot keep secrets.
EXAMPLE: “John has a really big mouth.

17 (don’t) see EYE to EYE  I (don’t )agree with you
“We don’t see eye to eye on almost anything”

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