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G.Cosmo - URD improvements Gabriele Cosmo (CERN/IT-API)

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1 G.Cosmo - URD improvements Gabriele Cosmo (CERN/IT-API)
October 9th, 2002 URD improvements Gabriele Cosmo (CERN/IT-API) Geant4 delta-review

2 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
Outline Addressing recommendation #4.4: “ URD’s are an integral part of the documentation and product trees. A coherent set covering all of GEANT4 must be finished and put in place expeditiously ” Action a2 of the Software Process Improvement program, as result of the ISO (SPICE) assessment on Design performed in 2000 Reviewed general URD: new version 6.4, September 2002 Policy for maintenance and update of design documents in place since December 2000 Update of design documents in progress URD web tracker system in place since August 2002 October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

3 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
SPI program Action a2. Within each Category domain, Category Coordinators should periodically perform the following actions: review and if necessary update the User Requirements Document (URD) by analysing it in the context of their category domain, possibly starting from a "use-cases" list Action required in view of improving traceability of the development in its various phases, from the design documents to implementation and testing Program of work defined at the 2001 Geant4 Workshop in Genova Defined UR templates and exercised UR collection activity per domain Action being implemented progressively and progress being monitored See Detailed URDs under development for key domains October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

4 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
Maintenance policy URD and design documents kept in CVS repository structure organized according to domain decomposition Each category coordinator responsible for the design documents of his Category domain Documentation also provided from individual WG Web sites, accessible from the main Geant4 Web Example: EM low-energy WG: Architecture Working Group in charge for regular maintenance of general URD Monitoring of activity performed on a regular basis and reported in TSB meetings October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

5 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
Web UR Tracking System Deployed in August 2002 Already populated of requirements as expressed in the URD See: Open to any user and developer for Browsing of the requirements data-base and monitoring of their evolution Submitting new requirements requests Automatic generation of detailed requirements document to their most up-to-date status Implements UR template defined at the Geant4 Workshop in Genova (July 2001) Organized into “user/analyzer” forms October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

6 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

7 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements
Conclusions Plan of work for improvement and policy of maintenance for URD and design document defined Necessary support structures in place and functional Monitoring of continuous improvement activity Web UR Tracking System deployed Future steps: Detailed URDs Implementation of traceability unit tests <> classes/functionalities <> use cases system tests <> use cases October 9th, 2002 Geant4 delta-review - G.Cosmo, URD improvements

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