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Partnerships: Tapping the Power of Employers

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1 Partnerships: Tapping the Power of Employers
Youth CareerConnect Partnerships: Tapping the Power of Employers Webinar Date: September 27, 2015 2:30pm ET Presenters: Division of Youth Services U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

2 Moderator Maisha Meminger Division of Youth Services
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

3 Objectives To understand the value of employer partners for YCC program growth and support; To comprehend the employer relationship as unique; To create a strategy for recruiting employer partners; To plan for building long-term relationships; To adopt a “checklist” for maintaining strong partnerships 3

4 YCC Requirements Regarding Employers
Within the core elements of the Youth CareerConnect program is the requirement to engage employers, in order to: Integrate academic and career-focused curricula around one or more industry theme(s); Encourage interaction between participants and the workplace, work-based learning, and mentoring; Demonstrate strong partnerships with employers; and Blend educational and workplace environments to develop work readiness and technical skills.

5 Presenter Russell Hamm, PhD Performance Excellence Partners

6 Overview Your Program and Employers Growing the Relationship
Benefits to expect from employers Managing Rocky Issues Understanding Employers The “Dozen” – Tips for long-term success Real Experience – Your Colleagues from the field The Partnership Development Model Recognizing Employer Needs and YCC Benefits to Employers Conclusion Recruiting Employer Partners The Three-step Model Preparing to Meet and Employer and Managing the Meeting – An Agenda Reaching a Partnership Commitment Building the Relationship Learning Roles, Responsibilities and a Written Agreement 6

7 Your Program and Employers
About employers Different from other partners? The challenge and value of strong partnerships Unique partners with different expectations Overall value to the YCC Program Jobs for future program completers Assure that your program is up-to-date Represent you

8 Your Program and Employers
Specific benefits to expect from employers Guidance Resources Learning Experiences for Students Networking

9 Understanding Employers: a Model

10 Understanding Employers
Recognizing Employer Needs and YCC Benefits to Employers Community Commitment and Non-business Relationships Seeking Solutions to Business Needs: Access to a larger pool of skilled job candidates who possess the specific skills, certificates, and credentials required for the current and future labor market. The opportunity to influence training programs to better align with their skill needs. Credential and certification programs that meet industry standards.

11 Recruiting Employer Partners
What makes a good partner? Recruitment strategy: a three-step process Use “general knowledge” Interview local experts Employ Labor Market Information Goal: a prioritized list of the “best” potential employers. 11

12 Recruiting Employer Partners
1. Strategy: review general knowledge Informal step Discussion and list-making Prior contacts

13 Recruiting Employer Partners
2. Strategy: employ Labor Market Information Jobs and skills local/regional employers are seeking; Job areas that are growing; Industries that are hiring; Education and training needed for specific jobs.

14 Recruiting Employer Partners
3. Strategy: interview local experts Who? Chambers, EDCs, Associations Why? Review and validate/augment list Facilitate meetings Also good employer partners

15 Recruiting Employer Partners
Meeting with the employer 1. Preparation 2. Agenda 3. Getting a commitment

16 Recruiting Employer Partners
Meeting with the employer: preparation Learn more about the company The company’s products and services; The status of the company; ownership, growth; Recent news articles that featured the company; Size: value; numbers/types of employees; Names/titles of the senior management team and more about your contact person.

17 Recruiting Employer Partners
Meeting with the employer: preparation Brief your CEO Outreach for the initial meeting

18 Recruiting Employer Partners
Meeting with the employer: manage the meeting Follow a planned agenda:

19 Agenda for Employer Meeting
Introduction/purpose (4) Describe YCC and process (10 – 15) Explain need for employer’s knowledge (1). Learn more about the employer (15). Describe benefits of the Program (10): Explain what membership would involve (10). Explain the commitment (5). General discussion and review (10) Wrap-up

20 Following the Employer Meeting
Judging the meeting – did it accomplish your purposes? Goal is a commitment

21 Building the Relationship
Learn More! Visit… Workplace climate for learning Understand entry-level jobs/skills Jobs progressions and “movin’ up” Current training systems Compensation for learning

22 Building the Relationship
Determine desired roles and responsibilities Discuss a written agreement – or not

23 Building the Relationship
Written agreement/MOU – what is it? MOU to include: Contributions and when/where available; Describe the roles of employer “loaned” Denote the time frame for the assistance; Describe limits or issues and potential problems; Monitoring and managing; Communications AND conflict resolutions process; Describe who will own or control the products/investments

24 Maintaining the Relationship

25 Maintaining the Relationship
Obstacles, issues, work-a-rounds: protecting your employer partner Expect issues – plan ahead Protect the employer – know the limits Look for alternatives that serve the program An example

26 Maintaining the Relationship: “the Dozen”
Start early! Be inclusive and responsive Determine employer needs Discuss program performance/QC Manage time – stick to the schedule Meet deadlines, expectations and promises

27 Maintaining the Relationship: “the Dozen”
Use routine and reliable communication Be clear – stay clear Make it personal Multiple thank you messages Celebrate – a lot! Highlight the employer in your outreach

28 Please enter your questions in the Chat Room!
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

29 Real experiences from the field
Nils Urman Program Coordinator Business Services Pima County One Stop Career Center Tucson, AZ

30 Real experiences from the field
Jae Cody Student Advisor E3 STEM, Apple Valley High School Apple Valley, MN

31 E3 STEM – Apple Valley High School
Grades Model Students select one of six pathways: Engineering, IT, Medical careers, Nanoscience, Biomedical Tech, Energy Tech/advanced manufacturing College-level coursework at partner colleges: Inver Hills Community College and Dakota County Technical College Supports follow students to college if they choose one of our partner colleges All YCC supports (mentoring, job shadows, counseling, tutoring, internships, etc) available throughout program

32 Partner: Uponor Advanced manufacturing company in Apple Valley
Must be 18 to be on manufacturing floor For us: Hosted field trips with career panels; senior field trip designed to recruit summer employees Helped us establish our guidelines for job shadows, mentoring, internships Job shadows in IT, marketing and engineering kept students in business setting, but off the floor (grown into internships for several students this year) Participated in practice interview sessions For them: Publicity: Visit from US Senators hosted at facility Helping with recruitment with both students and parents

33 Partner: Skyline Create (design, engineer, and build) displays for trade shows Again, the age restriction for being on the floor Seasonal business: during slow period, engineers from Skyline became advisors to students who designed furniture for our new fab lab Students learned to use CAD software and created design and prototype Support and critique from Skyline employees Tour of facility Students eventually produced the tables, using their design, using the equipment at our school, avoiding the liability issue

34 Partner: Thomson Reuters
Global information technology company; typically hires individuals with 4-year degrees Hosted visit with entire AVHS staff to discuss skills/attributes they seek in employees Advising students on projects for our school (creating an online course catalogue); monthly meetings to share progress Created 2 internships for graduating seniors (1 boy and 1 girl) who have taken AP Computer Science Allowed the addition of a pre-AP Computer Science class at our school, giving more students access to program

35 Please enter your questions in the Chat Room!
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room!

36 Next training: Marketing and Sustainability Thursday, November 19, 2015 2:00pm ET

37 CONTACT US U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4456 Washington, DC 37

38 Thank you!

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