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Trends, Challenges & Opportunities for [Medical Customer Name]

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Presentation on theme: "Trends, Challenges & Opportunities for [Medical Customer Name]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends, Challenges & Opportunities for [Medical Customer Name]
PARTNER LOGO PARTNER LOGO Trends, Challenges & Opportunities for [Medical Customer Name] Presented by [Partner Name]

2 Agenda Macro Trends Technology Trends Impacting the Industry
2nd Level Data: Challenges Consultative Solution Approach

3 2018 Distributed Medical Macro-Industry Trends
**** don’t linger here, they know this**** So what are those 2018 macro-economic trends putting pressure on the industry: READ THEM And what do these lead to… opportunity and threat. I can grow and protect my margins if I increase my spending in the right areas of technology. But, without a strategic plan, I could be increasing my spending in the wrong areas and miss out on the opportunities to grow my business, while also introducing my business to risk. BUT THE BOTTOM LINE, THERE IS OPPORTUNITY TO BE HAD!

4 2018 Distributed Medical Technology Trends
So what are some of the top technology trends associated to the increased spending? 1-Compliance and Security are top of mind: its scary, because its hard to nail down and define, always changing, expensive if done wrong or if it fails. Where does compliance end and security begin? If I am compliant am I secure and vice versa? 2-On the back of the security and compliance concerns- I HAVE to share sensitive data as part of doing business. The amount of data I need to share, store and secure is growing, compliance policies are ever changing, and there are new attack surfaces every day 3- how do I leverage technology to help drive more revenue, reach new customers, increase customer sat, etc? If I am not digital, I am dying 4- how can I leverage this “cloud thing” to reduce cost, introduce scalability, automate security and compliance, etc These are things that folks in this field are either doing or thinking about doing. If they are not, you can pass them by harnessing these but there are challenges. Question: any of these really ring true for you all in 2018?

5 Challenges: More of the Same In 2018
Cybersecurity…we can go on and on: of healthcare providers in 2016 experienced a data breach increase in medical device cybersecurity vulnerabilities in 2017 of providers have even assessed vulnerability risks Discovery Questions: -How do you ensure compliance and security today? -how do you detect and remediate cyber attacks and vulnerabilities today? -have you experienced an attack? -are their areas you are most concerned about security? Talk Track: However, there are challenges to navigate in order to effectively monetize these technology and industry trends. First and foremost is cybersecurity and for good reason. Security can never be overlooked and healthcare is one of the most heavily regulated industries when it comes to data protection. You have very valuable, sensitive data, which makes you an ideal target for attacks unfortunately. I think the data is so compelling, it tells its own story…. Forbes, gallup,, trushield are all sources for data here. -HUGE increase in the “attack surface”. THEY MIGHT NOT KNOW THIS. Don’t sell with fear but EDUCATE them about how dire the situation is -9 out of 10 providers experienced a breach last year. Varying in size and impact, many don’t even know they have been breached, still! It takes on average months to find out you’ve been breached. -only 64% have even ASSESSED their risk. A) this changes daily, so its like taking a picture of someone running and using the photo to figure out where that person is. B) I would venture to guess that the more down market you go, the higher this percentage -huge cost to the business per attack -and for good reason, people are spending money here in 2018 average cost to a healthcare business for a cyber attack of customers report plans to increase cybersecurity-spending in 2018

6 Challenges: More of the Same In 2018
Compliance: Government fines for HIPAA non-compliance alone are no joke! $100-$50,000….PER RECORD. NOT Security but overlap. Non-compliance typically also means security vulnerability Discovery Questions: -any areas of compliance that are of particular concern for you? -is compliance something you or your teams spend a significant amount of time on? Staying up to date, combing existing processes, etc? Talk Track: Compliance- what is it? How does it relate to security? They overlap but are not the same. Compliant doesn’t mean secure and secure doesn’t mean compliant. Again, always changing and fines can be disastrous. Consider this an expansion of the security slide we just showed. Bottom line is its ever changing, non-compliance can ruin a business, but these folks aren’t experts. Comes in many forms: Governmental, Regulatory, Internal, Security all examples Constantly in flux, costly and difficult to stay on top of

7 Challenges: More of the Same In 2018
Aging and Incongruous Infrastructure: Interoperability, shadow IT, unknown attack surfaces 83% of healthcare organizations are already utilizing cloud in some way, with healthcare cloud market growth expected to reach $9.48 Billion by 2020 Discovery Questions: -are you leveraging cloud today? If so, how? If not, why not? -How do you ensure the compliance and security of your existing infrastructure in house? -any planned changes to your app and IT stack? -do you experience as a business any integration challenges or issues? Talk Track: Business that start today, are in most cases taking the cloud-first approach to EVERYTHING because it is so readily available and proven now. But companies that have been around for 3, 5…. god forbid 10+ years have a serious challenge to consider. What is the most cost effective way for me to deliver the BUSINESS SERVICES I need, when I need them??? Think about it… you are a business owner. I am today as well. The technology stack I start with, is not what I finish with, especially if my business is successful. This goes for everything from web apps, to specific underlying infrastructure component. The DC is packed with every changing infrastructure to support ever changing business needs. As you scale, your business’ needs change and technology evolves, as a business owner you are constantly faced with technology decisions and opportunities. Its hard for IT professionals to stay abreast of everything and keep the lights on. What about a Dr, dentist, radiologist, that owns their own business??? Is that app’s new integration going to introduce a secure risk. Will that AWS app play well with my new saas app? I haven’t patched that server in a while because I am afraid to mess with it. How do I secure and move that data? Here’s where I and my company come in folks. At NO COST, I can deliver a centered, forward thinking and agnostic strategy based on WHERE YOU ARE TODAY AND WHERE YOU WANT TO GO. Don’t worry, we will help you do exactly that. CLOUD-automate, right size, compliant, secure, etc. Inefficient processes, incomplete operational data, inconsistent strategy, poor visibility, despite heavy investment in services and solutions: EHR, M-ERP, eCommerce

8 Challenges: More of the Same In 2018
Connected Devices and IoT: 6.4B connected devices in Expected 20B in 2020!!! Apps and Devices are both Customer Facing and Employee Facing. There is opportunity for profit through telehealth, mobile client apps and in analyzing the data available: These require expertise to navigate and monetize effectively Data is expensive to store and difficult to analyze Discovery Questions: -How do they view IoT? -Do they plan to offer any mobile apps or services? What about BYOD? -If they do deploy mobile apps or devices, what is their security strategy? -how do you manage, track and secure devices for attacks and things like PHI data? -Do you have any plans to capture customer data through apps/devices and use data analytics to better market and support them? Talk Track: All of the challenges discussed are connected through the spectrum of technology. It’s a never-ending cycle: We grow, tech grows, threats grow, things change and the cycle continues. for you, IoT represents both the collective opportunity and threat of these trends. Profit can be found by harnessing all these newfound channels and delivering on your customer’s expectations. -Web and Device OS apps to capture client interest like unique webportal -increase customer sat such as deploying an easy, secure online-bill pay and records access or using data analytics to better understand your customer? -Or deliver new low-cost revenue streams such as telehealth and online Rx. -or maybe, improve employee satisfaction and recruitment, with online employee tools and BYOD policies BUT what if I am not a huge hospital with millions in IT budget and 100’s on staff? Am I capable of monetizing the IoT opportunity in the most cost effective and securest ways? Do I have that knowledge and time on staff? **** insight: Although some dr’s practices work through a hospital and have no choice but to pay a large fee for a Hosted-MSP experience, other practices such as dental offices, medical imaging, etc are responsible for their own IT. Its unlikely, especially down market, that these customers have the correct expertise, let alone the time, to harness these opportunities.*** The healthcare IoT market is expected to grow to $163 Billion by 2020, up 403% since 2015.

9 Pre-Built Bundles for Distributed Medical
Path to the Cloud Bundle: Cloud is complex and ever-changing. Let’s make it easy for you Infrastructure and Application Assessment: Low-hanging fruit for replacing HW or moving to cloud Is the existing strategy cost effective and compliant? Cloud Roadmap: Storage/backup True DR Strategy and Plan IaaS vs onprem SaaS for apps vs build your own End User-VDI and MDM First let’s define assessment; By assessment we mean, we will look at the data you have readily available, engage for additional discovery (if needed and possible) and deliver to the you, possible solutions backed with reasoning and collateral. We will then engage the pre-vetted, appropriate vendors on your behalf, to negotiate and manage the technology validation process, protecting your people, your strategy and your time. With over 200 cloud suppliers in our portfolio and a team of experienced solution engineers, we can help you holistically assess where to best make cloud investments, without worrying about a sales persons product or vendor pre-disposition. Cloud has so many applications and presents so many opportunities in today’s market, especially for smb and mm businesses. But the expertise in many cases is what’s missing and is what leads to shadow IT, cloud cost overages, misaligned providers, etc.

10 Pre-Built Bundles for Distributed Medical
Path to Compliance and Security We can help with any stage of their compliance and security journey: Security vulnerability assessment: Help build an accurate strategy based on real needs Training, services, AI, turnkey SaaS and customized solutions all available Edge Assessment: assess needs and consolidation opportunities at the edge SD-WAN, managed services, FW, etc Compliant DR strategy: someone else maintains compliance Make sure their DR aligns with overall cloud strategy Device security, analysis and management and document security, analysis and management .We have vendors who can deliver a wide array of “compliance” or security services across a diverse technology stack. Assessments, training courses, socaas, monitoring, secure/compliant pre-built solutions/devices/services. So just like cloud, let us take a holistic, un-biased approach to review your security and compliance needs against your business goals and initiatives. Every part of the IT stack must be taken into account when looking at your business and security strategy. New laws and policies being passed have you worried about your fine and attack exposure? Want to offer byod or a new mobile app but concerned about vulnerability and compliance? I think I am secure, but am I compliant? Are my businesses and users safe when onsite?

11 Pre-Built Bundles for Distributed Medical
Document Management & Collaboration BW Audit Service: consolidation, replacement and right-size Make you they have what you need to deliver the BW requirements that the 2018 trends require, at the right size and price SD-WAN Edge Assessment: Align supplier strengths to customer needs Free up capital, increase bandwidth for those apps and documents improve security, visibility and cloud access Collaboration apps, services, and 0365: Meet document management, sharing and remote worker requirements. With SaaS and Managed Solutions, someone else maintains compliance and security that so few companies are equipped to handle. DR and IaaS/Cloud: Secure and compliant environments eliminate those concerns Right size and pulse with demand CNSG will help them determine the best providers and platforms for their need, minimizing shadow IT and Document management is a big talking point today: -is it secure -is it compliant -is my approach cost effective (data storage and transmission) -what happens if I want to add a new service or customer base -we know connectivity! We can take a look at your BW needs vs usage and vendor profile; come up with in many cases a lowered mb/dollar cost to help manage rising data demans -combine a BW right-sizing exercise with SD-WAN if it makes sense. Consolidate at the edge, lower connectivity costs, increase production grade BW, improve app visibility and network controls to maintain those new customer facing services -leverage cloud to lower cost and offload security and compliance responsibility, but in a manner that maps to your current and future IT state.

12 Pre-Built Bundles for Distributed Medical
Digital Business Service Bundle: Application Development: monetize technology Online bill pay, telehealth, practice website, etc Application Hosting and Management: we align the most cost effective provider for their needs Provider manages security and compliance, a major concern for SMB and MM apps Ensure performance and scalability IT Help Desk and NOC Services: overhead and escalation eating away at margin? SD-WAN and Monitoring: already have the apps but want more visibility and better performance? The motto ”Digital or dying” is ominous but businesses left and right who have failed to go digital, have died. BLOCKBUSTER always comes to mind with Netflix. Now this impact and pressure is being felt down everwhere, in every industry, up and down market. Everyone wants to and is trying to go there, but are they doing so cost effectively and in sync with their other technical roadmaps and strategies, such as cloud? There is a deloitte quote in the medical industry cheat sheet coming out to you today. I am paraphrasing but it says, “many customers are jumping on the bandwagon and going digital—introducing digital technologies into their existing processes. However, over time, they may experience challenges—discreet implementation, issues with scalability and interoperability, lower staff knowledge and motivation—which lower the return on their digital investments. Instead, executives should consider becoming digital—building an enterprise wide digital strategy and weaving it into their organizational strategy, operations, and processes.” Our unique ability as consultants with our extended knowledge base, is that we can help you BECOME digital, regardless of where your expertise is or your journey to date. By taking the approach that deloitte outlines, you will see greater ROI on these initiatives with greater alignment to your IT and business strategy. Build the app, host the app for performance and security/compliance. Have the services but want to offload cost and improve cust sat? helpdesk, sd-wan and monitoring solutions or just wipe your hands with NOCaaS.

13 PARTNER LOGO Close for an assessment meeting on one or many of these discussions We would like to bring value around these things we heard today. Let me engage my engineering team on what we discussed and come back to you with some thoughts on next steps, but likely we will come back with some initial technologies to consider, with collateral and look at how we dive deeper and continue through an efficient process, toward a solution that drives business value.

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