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Mrs. Stare's Classroom Rules & Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Stare's Classroom Rules & Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Stare's Classroom Rules & Expectations

2 RULES No Cell Phones No Gum No Food/Drinks (unless earned) No Hats
No saying- “I don't get it” The bell doesn't excuse you, I do.

3 Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be Prompt
DISCIPLINE Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Be Prompt

4 DISCIPLINE Be Respectful

5 USE HAND SIGNALS -When I am teaching, use the hand signals.
-When working and I am circling or at my desk, raise hand and then get my attention.

6 When I need your attention
-Gimme 5 -Hand Clap -Verbal Cues

7 When someone is speaking:
-Eyes on the speaker -No Fidgeting -Raise your hand and then THINK before speaking

8 DISCIPLINE Be Responsible

9 FLPD on EVERY PAPER COMPLETE all assignments

10 HOMEWORK EXTRA CREDIT Almost EVERY Night-It's Practice
Homework WILL be GRADED! Homework is NOT optional, it is REQUIRED! Shouldn't ever be more than 30 min worth each night. EXTRA CREDIT Offered RARELY, so when it is offered, take advantage of the opportunity! DON'T ask me about extra credit because you haven't completed your assignments and now your grade is suffering.

11 LATE WORK This semester, I will accept late work up until two weeks BEFORE the semester ends. Late work will receive no more than 70% credit.

12 ABSENCES YOU are responsible for all assignments missed when you are absent. "What did I miss?" Board. Extra Copies Box Mrs. Stare's classroom website Be sure to SHOW ME completed assignments

13 BATHROOM USE -Use your time wisely and plan appropriately
-Use the bathroom during YOUR TIME BEFORE SCHOOL, DURING PASSING PERIOD, DURING BREAK, or AT LUNCH. -IF you absolutely cannot hold it, sign out/in AND TAKE THE PASS WITH YOU!

14 DISCIPLINE Be Prepared

Should be IN YOUR HANDS when you walk IN to class Fill in the MATH section with homework immediately. Show to and discuss with an ADULT each day. Have an adult initial it daily.

16 SUPPLIES Pencils ONLY on homework, classwork and tests!
Binder Reminder Math Composition Book IF you need to borrow a pencil, you may borrow a pencil from YOUR period's pouch. Colored pens and highlighters are ENCOURAGED for notetaking! Scotch tape is needed for keeping your notebook organized.

17 DISCIPLINE Be Prompt -Be on time, tardies will result in a lunch detention! -Once the bell has rung, socializing time is over and its time for class and math speak!

18 REWARDS Raffle Tickets Positive Recognition Good Grades
A great education & learning experience!! Earn the PRIVILIGE to EAT in CLASS!

19 CONSEQUENCES 1st strike – verbal warning
2nd strike – Lunch Detention - Sentences 3rd strike – phone call home Referral *If the first offense is severe, a referral may automatically be given

20 DONATIONS IF YOU DONATE SUPPLIES to the class, YOU will receive drawing tickets! -Pencils White Board Markers -Reams of copy paper -Kleenex Scotch Tape -New or used books


22 HOUSEKEEPING -Lined Paper/Scratch Paper -Erasers to borrow -Kleenex
-Keep backpacks UNDER seats/desks

23 ASK FOR HELP! If you EVER don't understand, PLEASE ask for help! I can't help you if I don't KNOW that you don't understand. I am available before and after school if you need help. Please be sure that I can see you've TRIED to do it, before you ask for help!

24 You are MY KIDS! I love what I do and my goal is to do everything I can to make Math fun, understandable and make sense. I care about each and every one of you and your success is my mission!

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