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Richard means brave or powerful leader Hannah (or Ann) means Grace

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1 Richard means brave or powerful leader Hannah (or Ann) means Grace
What’s in a name? Did you know names have meanings? For example: Judith means Praised Richard means brave or powerful leader Michael means like God Hannah (or Ann) means Grace

2 Can you find out what your name means?
If you meet someone new what is the first thing you normally find out about them? Why? This is Dr Kate Granger When she got sick herself see had to go into hospital See found that doctors and nurses just talked about her. They did not introduce themselves or call her by her name. How do you think this made her feel? She started a campaign called ‘Hello my name is’ to make doctors introduce themselves to patients and call patients by name. Why do you think this was important to her?

3 Is it important that people know your name?

4 When the people wrote about God they thought it was important to share their belief that God knew their name The prophet Isaiah said that God says to each person Why do think it was important to the Jewish people to believe that God called them by name? What does this say about God and us?

5 When God wanted Jonah to be his Prophet God called Jonah by name

6 What is a prophet? A prophet is someone who:
Feels called by God and tries to understand what God wants Looks at the world around them and sees what is going wrong Reminds other people of God’s message and how to live in the way God wants Prophets try to live themselves in the way God wants so they can give others a good example Sometimes they get it wrong and need to change themselves!

7 “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.
Jonah was a Prophet God called Jonah by name. Is this important? What was Jonah called to do? How did he go wrong at first? When Jonah was dropped into the sea even though he was running away from God he made this prayer “In my distress I called to the Lord,     and he answered me. He knew that even though he ran away from God, God would never ever leave him

8 Baptism
Why is being named at Baptism important? What responsibility are people who are baptised given?

9 At Baptism Christians are called by name like Jonah to be a prophet.
They are called to care for the whole of creation

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