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[Name of project] [Name of researcher]

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Presentation on theme: "[Name of project] [Name of researcher]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Name of project] [Name of researcher] [Title: the main content of your project in one sentence, recommended length two lines, max three lines] [The main point of your project. What is it about? Why is it important right now? Which broader societal changes, challenges or developments is it connected to? Maximum text length 5 lines. Maximum text length 5 lines.] IMAGE PLACEHOLDER (LANDSCAPE OR PORTRAIT) ALIGN TO TOP EDGE,  USE FULL-WIDTH MINIMUM WIDTH 1850 PX, MINIMIMUM RESOLUTION 150 DPI [If you describe methods or data, keep your text short and simple. Those things are not what this audience cares most about. More importantly, describe who you have collaborated with and which new partners you have worked with. Name your key collaborators and stakeholders. Maximum text length 8 lines. Maximum text length 8 lines. Maximum text length 8 lines. Maximum text length 8 lines.] [Your most important results, findings or observations so far. What will happen after this funding period? Who will the project have an impact on and why should they beinterested in the project? Possible recommendations for policymakers and industry or other key stakeholders. Research recommendations or ideas for future research or new partnerships born from this project.  Maximum text length 8 lines. Maximum text length 8 lines.] [Image caption]  [Please include a clear and good quality image related to your project, preferably an infographic visualizing impact or results. Place the image in the space above. On the caption line please write the one main point, change or observation that the viewer is supposed to gain from the image. You can also write your caption over the image if the text is clearly readable.] [Describe what will still happen in your project. If the project is close to its end, please list past milestones as well as possible future steps and goals.] More information: [Name of reasearcher University address] Partners: [Project partners either as text or logo form. List your key affiliations, research group, collaborators etc.] LOGO PLACE- HOLDER LOGO PLACE- HOLDER LOGO PLACE- HOLDER

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