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Grouping Countries The World Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Grouping Countries The World Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grouping Countries The World Community

2 Three Groups of Countries
Developed Countries New Industrializing Countries Developing Countries

3 Developed countries Country with a highly developed economy; high incomes; abundant food; good housing, & can afford luxuries


5 Newly Industrialized countries
Countries in a transition stage between developing and developed countries Have rapid growing economies


7 Developing countries Country with a poorly developed economy; low incomes; food shortages; poor housing, & cannot afford luxuries


9 Grouping Countries Life Expectancy Wealth Population Growth
Education Level Health Care

10 Life Expectancy A good indicator of a country’s health care & social system. Life expectancy: The average life span of a population Canada = 81 yrs Nigeria = 58 yrs


12 Wealth GDP per capita is the most commonly used measure of a country’s wealth GDP per capita includes the total value of goods & services per person in a nation’s economy GDP per capita varies greatly between countries Canada= $38,200 Bangladesh= $1500


14 Population Growth Developed countries usually see a decrease in population growth for several reasons. 1. Women have more control over how many children they will have 2. Due to pensions & effective health care, people do not feel the need to have large families to support them as they grow older Canada= 0.8% Uganda= 3.2%

15 Education Level Literacy level is often used to compare the education system of two countries Literacy is the percentage of the population that can read & write Canada literacy rate = 99% Bangladesh literacy rate = 48%

16 Health Care Effective health care is an important part of a country’s development One way to measure health care is by calculating how many people, on average, each doctor must look after Number of People per Doctor – Canada= Zimbabwe=7692

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