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Ice-breaker In triads, answer the following questions (4-5 min):

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2 Ice-breaker In triads, answer the following questions (4-5 min):
What was the highlight of your summer? If you could change one thing about last year what would it be? What is one goal you set for yourself or your students for this year and how do you plan to accomplish it?

3 Meeting Norms Begin/ End on Time Stay Actively Engaged
Assume Good Will Be Respectful of Other’s Ideas and Opinions Seek and Share Wisdom

4 Agenda Welcome Ice Breaker Meeting Norms Role of Questioning
Questioning Activities Establishing a Culture of Questioning Summarizer

5 Questioning by Stephanie Botley-Glenn, RELA Instructional Coach
Lorenzo Robinson, Math Instructional Coach

6 Research On average, during classroom recitation, approximately 60% of the questions asked are lower cognitive questions, 20% are higher cognitive questions, and 20% are procedural.

7 What role does questioning play in the teaching and learning process?
Brainstorm with your tablemates about this question (3 min).

8 The role of questioning in the teaching and learning process…
Direct student thinking in a particular way Control behavior of the class/individuals Encourage students to be actively engaged in learning Structure/guide the learning of a task Encourage reflection on learning Gain feedback from students about teaching Help students clarify their understandings Model questioning/thinking Help students make connections Excite interest or curiosity Motivate student inquiries Identify gaps in learning Provide opportunities for student learning through discussion Focus attention on a topic Challenge students Reinforce learned material Assess students Revision of content Evaluation purposes Spark further questions

9 What Is Cognition? It refers to all of the mental activities that are involved in learning, remembering, and using knowledge. It is the act of thinking, perceiving, and understanding.

10 What Is Metacognition? It is awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes. It is one’s ability to understand, control, and, manipulate one’s cognitive processes. It is thinking about how you think and learn.

11 Bloom’s Taxonomy vs Webb’s DOK
Focuses on the tasks that students complete to deepen student understanding Relies mainly on the verb to indicate or classify the level of thinking Focuses on cognitive demands (thinking processes) of instruction, tasks, and/or assessment Centers on the thinking process not just the product. This extends beyond the verb/beyond the “what to the “how” Digs deeper into thinking to expand student learning in depth

12 What Are Lower/Higher Cognitive Level Questions?
Bloom’s Taxonomy Webb’s DOK Knowledge/Remembering The recall of specifics and universals; involving little more than bringing to mind the appropriate material Recall Recall of fact, information, or procedure (e.g. What are 3 critical skill cues for the overhand throw?) Comprehension/Understanding Ability to process knowledge on a low level such that the knowledge can be reproduced or communicated without a verbatim repetition Application/Applying Using information in another familiar situation Skill/Concept Use of information, conceptual knowledge, procedures, two or more steps, etc. Analysis/Analyzing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings/relationships Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing a plan, or sequence of steps; has some complexity; more than one possible answer Synthesis/Evaluation and Evaluating/Creating Putting together elements/parts to form a whole, then making value judgements about the method Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem or task

13 What Level Question Am I?
Group Activity What Level Question Am I?

14 Establishing a Questioning/Thinking Classroom
Discuss with your tablemates what this would look like, feel, like, and sound like in your classroom?

15 The culture of a questioning classroom

16 Summarizer What two instructional strategies will we focus on for the start the school year? Questioning (HOTS/DOK/Vocabulary) Writing (RACE/ACE) – visible weekly and included in Pre and Post assessments (constructed response)

17 Ticket out the Door Write down anything that you remember about the following: Metacognition Levels of questioning Role of questioning in your classroom

18 Thank you for your time and participation and we look forward to having a great year!

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