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Welcome to Drama! Miss Hendon.

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1 Welcome to Drama! Miss Hendon

2 Learning Intentions Success Criteria
To introduce ourselves and build team work. To understand what Drama is and its place in the world. To understand and apply the Contract of Expectations. We can listen and speak to each other. We can discuss and explore what Drama is and means. We are respectful of the class contract and know what is expected of us all.

3 Contract of Expectations
To have a safe and fair learning environment. Respect each other’s views and contributions. One person speaks at a time. Nobody speaks when the teacher is talking. No eating at all, only allowed to drink water. Do not run in case you fall and hurt yourself. Use appropriate language. Make sure you practice and rehearse. Do not swing on chairs because you may hurt yourself. Be aware of noise levels, especially in group work use partner voices. Always speak clearly. Opportunity to be creative.


5 What is Drama?

6 Introduction to Drama In groups discuss the following
three questions then write down as many ideas as possible for each one: What do you think Drama is? What things would you expect to learn in Drama? 3. In what ways could Drama be a useful subject?


8 Making sense of the world and communicating our understanding.
We spend our lives trying to be understood. In Drama there is talking, listening and understanding. Drama comes from the Greek work “to do”. Practical and written group and individual activities to develop your communication skills, imagination, concentration and confidence. What is Drama?

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