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Team Building & Communication Skills

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1 Team Building & Communication Skills
Module D: Lesson 2 Grade 12 Active, Active Healthy Lifestyles Introduction All societies in the world are governed by a set of rules that have been decided upon by the society as a whole, their elected representatives, or the rulers of that society. These rules, known as the laws of the land, are necessary so that anarchy does not take hold. In many instances, sport serves as a microcosm of society. It is necessary to have guidelines, rules, or regulations of the way a sport is to be played. These rules are pliable but become less flexible as sport moves from recreational physical activity to formal structures, such as sports leagues. It is essential that all teams involved at similar levels play by the same set of regulations. Even at the elite or professional level, however, opportunities must be available to change the rules of sport, whether by popular demand, for safety reasons, or for spectator and participant appeal. The rules of sport, like the rules of society, are meant to satisfy the needs of the participants and spectators, and must be seen to be fair, equitable, and judicious; that is, they must include a set of consequences/penalties for a hierarchy of transgressions or deviant behaviour. Reference For information on this topic, refer to the following website: Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES). < For website updates, please visit Websites to Support the Grades 11 and 12 Curriculum at < Specific Learning Outcome 11.SI.3 Analyze sporting behaviours that may be positive and/or negative. Key Understandings All athletes have the potential to be perceived as role models. Character can be enhanced through systematic teaching and demonstration of fair play and good sporting behaviour. Sport participants behave in positive and negative ways. Essential Questions How does sport build or reveal the positive or negative character of an individual? How is character “learned”? How do athletes serve as role models for young sport competitors? What is the difference between sporting behaviour and deviant behaviour in sport?

2 Team Development Effective teamwork has become essential in today’s world. Becoming a successful team takes time and usually follows recognizable stages (Tuckman’s Model) A team will journey through these stages and progress from a group of strangers to becoming a united team with common goals.

3 Tuckman’s Model “Team-building process”
Stage 1- Forming Team members are assembled (tryouts) Goals/Roles are determined

4 Tuckman’s Model Stage 2- Storming
Team members begin to work on the task Team rules are established

5 Tuckman’s Model Stage 3- Norming
Team begins to work together on common goals Team builds trust & communication

6 Tuckman’s Model Stage 4- Performing
Teams work well as a unit and have “chemistry” Not all teams make it to this stage

7 Tuckman’s Model Stage 5- Adjourning Team is disbanded
Evaluation of season

8 Functional Roles of Group Members
3 Categories of Roles Task Roles/Actions move a team towards accomplishing their objectives. Interactive Roles/Actions are directed at the operation of a team and how the team is working together Self Oriented Roles/Actions puts the needs of the individual ahead of the needs of the team.

9 Successful Teams Teams that are successful have individuals that know their roles and work towards common goals. May be the difference between teams that are at the Forming Stage or the Performing Stage. Individuals that put their own needs ahead of the team place team success in jeopardy.

10 Activity- Personal Team Reflection
ASSIGNMENT: In your booklet, reflect on the last team that you were a part of. Identify whether your team went through these stages. Did your team reach the performing stage? Were they successful? Identify the chemistry of your team. Did everyone work towards a common goal? Did everyone get along?

11 Activity Identify a couple of examples of individuals in pro sports that put their own goals ahead of the team. What types of behaviors did they exhibit that affected the team? What was the end result? (Were they traded, suspended, fined, ….)

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