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Agenda Item 6(a): Review of the list of priority substances (Decision 2455/2001/EC) WG-E(1)-17/10/INERIS - Data collection.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Item 6(a): Review of the list of priority substances (Decision 2455/2001/EC) WG-E(1)-17/10/INERIS - Data collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Item 6(a): Review of the list of priority substances (Decision 2455/2001/EC)
WG-E(1)-17/10/INERIS - Data collection

2 Past events The first European collection of monitoring data under WFD
Template agreed with EAF PS in Feb 06, refined to include EEA needs, and finalised March 07, An End-user tool developed in Microsoft Access Dec06-Feb07 and tested by BE, DE, UK A data collection from March 07 until 31 August  All comments and bilateral discussion included in a new version of the end-user tool and documentation: Many thanks to all data providers…

3 Tools to support the collection
The Microsoft Access End user tool (+template) The How to use guide A Web page Helpdesk :

4 End User Tool : one for each data provider Use for prioritisation
The collection system End User Tool : one for each data provider Internal checks and validation export XML file import Central database Discarded (cat. 1 incomplete) Use for prioritisation

5 Summary situation: database content (31 Aug 07)
Surface water 9 Member States 1881 stations 4 water body types sampling analysis 790 substances, of which 100 analysed in more than 4 MS

6 EU relevance of substances

7 EU relevance of substances in EP proposal

8 Stations 4 Water Body Types (N° of stations): River: 1278 Lake: 149
Coastal: 400 Transitional: 45

9 Preliminary data treatment
Only datasets for surface water Elimination of : data measured before year 2000 non relevant parameters (e.g. P(tot), Nitrates, etc.) datasets for which neither LOD or LOQ was provided Correction for missing CAS N°, wrong names, doublets Harmonisation of the measurement units

10 Comparison with COMMPS database
15 countries (full coverage of EU15 in 1999) QUESTIONNAIRE: 18 countries (for EU27) DATA COLLECTION 2007 (31 August 2007): 9 countries have already sent datasets

11 Comparison with COMMPS database
* A preliminary assessment shows that these 79 substances are actually covered in DB 07 (but with different CAS)

12 Comparison with COMMPS database
Water only COMMPS - total substances : 369 49% 19% 32% Sediment and/or biota DB total substances : 790 38% 8% 54% Water and other matrices

13 Matrices and fractions (2 000 000 analysis)

14 MetaData

15 Conclusions and perspectives
More data are awaited: all countries are kindly invited to contribute to this EU-wide data collection We need to know WHO are the MS who wish to send datasets and WHEN they plan to send them We will contact MS individually for clarifications, if needed The first exercise : definition of a manageable list of substances using the tiered methodology (next presentation)

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