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10 key principles.

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1 10 key principles

2 Key Principles I When using ICT start with the aims and objectives from the PoS / NC / SoW. Be sure that you can achieve what you want to achieve in the SUBJECT or SKILLS terms. Make sure you are aware of the ICT skills and equipment that you and your pupils need and that you have sufficient trouble shooting skills

3 Key Principles II Make sure you have a fall back plan if the technology lets you down - this is less and less necessary but is still important Be aware of the learning styles of the students that are being employed when using ICT. Make sure you offer something for a variety of learning styles and a variety of teaching methods.

4 Key Principles III Motivaltion should be a reason but not the reason for using ICT. The “novelty or fun factor” ICT should be used to access resources that are enhanced by the medium. These may include access to diversity, multimedia, multimodal learning, communication and collaboration

5 Key Principles IV Be aware of the skills and the equipment children already have and how these can be incorporated into your learning ICT should encourage discussion, debate and dialogue. It should be collaborative, participative and interactive

6 Key Principles V ICT should encourage creativity and independent learning. Consider how you can involve the interests of the students within broader themes or topics. Be aware of the efforts in the beginning. Ask always is this more effective, efficient or transformative?

7 10 key principles

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