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6 Famous Thinkers.

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1 6 Famous Thinkers

2 John Locke

3 People have the ability to reason.
Natural rights: life, liberty & property Governments should protect those rights If government abuses power, people have right to rebel and form a new government. John Locke

4 Jean Jacque Rousseau

5 People are born good, independent, & compassionate.
If left on their own, they will be happy and peaceful. In Switzerland, male citizens could vote directly (better than indirectly which is a republic). Even a republic was corrupt because politicians could become tyrants. Jean Jacque Rousseau

6 Baron de Montesquieu

7 Women can contribute important things to govt.
Limited monarchy makes a country most stable and secure. States should be kept small so everyone can play a role in government. separation of powers--different branches of govt. Baron de Montesquieu

8 Thomas Jefferson

9 Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence
applied John Locke’s ideas “unalienable rights” (life, liberty and pursuit of happiness) government’s power comes from the consent of the governed (the people all men are created equal Thomas Jefferson

10 Declaration of Independence

11 “…All men are created equal…they are endowed…certain unalienable rights…Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness… whenever a Government becomes destructive…, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it….”

12 Declaration of Independence

13 Declaration of Independence

14 de la Santísima Trinidad
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios y Blanco Simon Bolivar

15 the “George Washington of South America”
helped Venezuela gain independence from Spain spread democracy throughout Latin America influenced by the Enlightenment, Greece, and Rome Simon Bolivar

16 James Madison

17 Father of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
spent a year reading Locke, Montesquieu, and Voltaire to prepare power should be divided: three branches federal system James Madison

18 Which TWO PAIRS of thinkers share similar ideas?
What idea(s) did each pair share? Which thinker applied his ideas in South America? Which thinker was the most PURELY DEMOCRATIC? Which thinker supported having a king and/or queen?

19 The French Revolution...

20 …coming soon

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