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The Nile River Delta A Sample by Mr. Guerra.

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1 The Nile River Delta A Sample by Mr. Guerra

2 Nile River Delta Climate- Very moderate with the average temperature between degrees year round. Most rain during the winter months. Yearly floods create fertile soil and three growing seasons are predictable for farmers. Crops- Grains are the main crop with figs, watermelons, and various vegetables. Animals- Fish, pig, goats, and chickens were common food but meat was not in large supply. Natural Resources- Gold and iron-ore for jewelry and tools/weapons.

3 Nile River Valley

4 Physical Feature: Sahara Desert
Located in West Egypt World’s largest desert Average temperature of 120 degrees during the day and below 0 degrees at night. Very difficult for outsiders to travel. Years without rainfall Due to the size and extreme climate, this protects Egypt from people to the west, where there is little opportunity to trade. It makes Egypt safer to live due to helping keep out invaders.

5 Physical Feature: Mediterranean Sea
Extremely important trade route as it connects Egypt to Mesopotamia, Greece, and to the Roman Empire to trade. Fish are an important protein source for the Egyptian diet. Many types of fish and turtles for food. This feature improves Egypt in all three phases as its prosperity is increased due to opening of trade, liveable due to the food source, and safe due to the moderate climate of the area.

6 Physical Feature: Sinai Peninsula
Serves as the only land bridge between Africa and Asia. Provides turquoise for jewels and other decorations to be sold. Very mountainous and dry, except for the northern coast, which is where it is easy to live and travel. This adds to the overall safety and prosperity of Egypt because it connects Egypt by land to trade partners, but is very difficult to cross for large groups that may pose as a threat.

7 Physical Feature- Faiyum Oasis
Receives run-off water from the Nile. Allows otherwise dry areas to be inhabited. Primary crop is cotton, which could be used for clothing and other daily decorations. The Faiyum Oasis increases the livability and prosperity of Egypt as it allows people to live away from the Nile River and cotton can be sold to locals or other trading partners.

8 Rating Evaluation Liveablilty-5-Excellent Safe-5-Excellent
The Nile River Delta has excellent livability due to its moderate climate, unlimited access to fresh water, abundant food options of fruit, meat, fish, and vegetables, and has a very predicable growing season. Safe-5-Excellent The Nile River Delta is very safe as it is protected on both sides by desert and mountains that keep unwanted adversaries out or slow their progress. The land is easy to navigate. Prosperous- 5- Excellent A huge amount of resources from gold, cotton, turquois, and a huge food supply with multiple trade routes by land and sea. Trade partners are close enough to access with ease. There is no doubt that this place will prosper!

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