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Prior Restraint and National Security

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1 Prior Restraint and National Security
Near v. MN leaves the door open a crack The context and conduct of the war in Vietnam Daniel Ellsberg--govt. employee/patriot? Lower courts District Ct-- temp. injunction against NYT publishing, permanent refused Circuit Ct--publish, but edit out national security Washington Post--similar rulings

2 New York Times v. US (1971) First installment published June 12, 1971
47 volume 1968 “History of US Decision-Making Process on Vietnam Policy” S.Ct decision lifting PR, 6 separate opinions with no more than on any one “…a heavy presumption against its constitutional validity” per curiam decision Black and Douglas--PR never acceptable, freedom = national security

3 New York Times v. US Brennan--”publication must inevitably, directly, and immediately cause the occurrence of an event kindred to imperiling the safety of a transport at sea…” White and Stewart--govt. erred by only going for PR, can still punish for the theft Dissenting…CJ Burger--we don’t know all the facts, possession is unauthorized, go back to Circuit for complete NS review Dissenting…Harlan and Blackmun--slow down! Give deference to the President on foreign policy

4 Subsequent PR Cases US v. Marchetti--PR OK’d for government employee disclosure of secrets The case of The Progressive Snepp v. US--Prepublication review and PR OK for intelligence agents

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