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Russia Voronezh- 2 IYNT 2015 №7 Sidelev Lev.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia Voronezh- 2 IYNT 2015 №7 Sidelev Lev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia Voronezh- 2 IYNT 2015 №7 Sidelev Lev

2 Pancakes Some housewives manage to bake so good-looking pancakes that their appearance makes your mouth water. Give valid criteria for evaluating the palatability of pancakes.

3 2 ) To bake pancakes, changing their composition 3 ) To make photos
Plan 1 ) To make a survey 2 ) To bake pancakes, changing their composition 3 ) To make photos 4 ) To measure the cooking time and temperature of the frying pan 5 ) To make conclusions

4 Equipment 1 ) A pan 2 ) A gas cooker 3 ) A chronometer
4 ) A multivoltmeter 5 ) A camera

5 Survey The width of a perfect pancake is about 4 mm
The results of the survey are as follows: The width of a perfect pancake is about 4 mm A pancake should be yellowish with a golden crispy crust There should be a lot of bubbles in a pancake

6 For pancake batter: Ingredients 4 eggs 10 teaspoons of sugar
1.5 teaspoons of salt 6 glasses of full cream milk 4 glasses of flour

7 Batter for pancakes

8 A perfect pancake The ratio of cooking time and temperature of the perfect pancake Dt(time) 3 min 2 min 220 245 T(temperature)

9 A perfect pancake dt=2 min 7 seconds t(of the pan)=245

10 dt=1 min t=245

11 dt=2min 7s t=280

12 dt=2min 7 s t=180

13 +1 teaspoon Then sugar was added. dt=2min 7s t=245 The more sugar added, the more syrup exuded. The syrup burnt slightly and a pancake became crispy. +3 teaspoons +5 teaspoons

14 Salt was added. It did not affect the external appearance of a pancake
Dt=2 min 7s t=245 Salt was added. It did not affect the external appearance of a pancake +0.5 teaspoon +1teaspoon +1.5 teaspoon

15 t=100 Dt=8min 10s The yolk was slowly curdling, the pancake was being cooked very slowly.

16 t=80 The pancake was not cooked, it was drying up, the egg white was curdling.

17 Conclusion 1 ) The amount of salt has no effect on the appearance of a pancake 2 ) The more sugar added, the more pancake burnt. 3 ) At a temperature below 100 degrees pancake dries up 4 ) Duration of cooking depends on the temperature of the pan

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