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WVDE Office of Instruction
Next Generation WV Content Standards and Objectives: English Language Arts WVDE Office of Instruction As we look at this slide we can see the student with the key. The NxG WV CSOs are the key to ensuring that all of our students are ready for college or the workplace when they graduate from our schools.
Why Do We Need New Standards and Objectives?
Research by ACT has shown that only ½ to 1/3 of 11th graders are reaching the college and career readiness level of achievement. Too few students are able to understand complex text Focus is needed on key aspects of language (using language skillfully, vocabulary) Need to strengthen content area reading
Important Dates May 13, 2010 – Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics adopted by WV Board of Education October 1-2 – Work begins on putting CCSS into the WV framework October – April – Work continues on framework, performance descriptors and crosswalk May, Next Generation WV Content Standards and Objectives go to the Board September, 2011 – Implementation begins with Kindergarten Just to review, here are some dates that reflect the road to implementation of the Next Generation WV Content Standards and Objectives.
Implementation Schedule
August, 2011 – Kindergarten August, 2012 – 1st Grade August, 2013 – 2nd Grade August, 2014 – 3rd through 12th grade Here is the rollout schedule for implementation of the NxG WV CSOs. This implementation schedule will allow the kindergartners in 2011 to be the first 3rd graders to have had the benefits of the new CSOs for four whole years before taking the new assessment being created by the A Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, of which WV is a governing state.
Policy Format This is the current format of the 21st Century CSOs and the NxG WV CSOs will look basically the same. The colors may differ.
Teach 21 Format This is the format for Teach 21. When the revamping of the resources is completed, the CSOs will still be interactive with links to the resources and links to academic vocabulary lessons.
Overview Four Standards in English Language Arts, K-12
Reading Writing Speaking, Listening Language The standards represent student outcomes—not the methodology for teaching students.
Key Design Considerations
College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) are the backbone of the Standards. The CCR define cross-disciplinary literacy expectations. The K-12 Standards define end of year expectations and provide a cumulative progression toward CCR at graduation.
Key Design Considerations
Although there are four standards, they comprise an integrated model of literacy. Examples: Students are expected to write about their reading. Speaking and listening sets the expectations that students will share findings from their research. Make a connection to the 4 standards as you introduce this slide.
Key Considerations Research and media skills are blended into the CCSS as a whole. Research and media skills are embedded throughout the standards rather than addressed separately. There is a shared responsibility for students’ literacy development. Literacy expectations are also extended to science, social studies and technical subjects.
Key Considerations There is heavy emphasis on informational text (aligned to NAEP reading framework). There is a direct alignment with the NAEP Writing Framework. The focus on writing throughout high school is on arguments and informative/explanatory text. There is a strong focus on coherence in instruction and assessment.
Key Considerations Language Integrated approach Not isolated skills
Connection among reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language for communication purposes
What is Not Covered by the Standards
The focus is on what students should know- not how teachers should teach. The aim of the standards is to articulate the fundamentals- not to set out an exhaustive list or set of restrictions that limits what is to be taught besides what is specified. The standards do not define the nature of advanced work; we will establish this within the performance descriptors we write.
What do CCR Students Look Like?
They demonstrate independence; they are self-directed learners. They build strong content knowledge by research and study, reading purposefully and listening attentively. They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose and discipline by adapting their communication. They comprehend, as well as critique, by questioning authors’ or speakers’ assumptions. They value evidence and can cite it. They use technology and digital media strategically and capably. They understand other perspectives & cultures.
Key Features of the Standards
Reading Text Complexity Growth of Comprehension Writing Text types Responding to reading Research
Key Features of the Standards
Speaking & Listening Flexible communication Collaboration Language Conventions Effective use Vocabulary
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Grades K-5
Reading is divided into three types of skills Reading literature Reading informational texts Foundational Skills Print concepts, K-1 only Phonological Awareness, K-1 only Phonics and Word Recognition, K-5 only Fluency, K-5 only Although the CCSS divide Reading into 3 sections, Literature, Informational Texts, and Foundational Skills, in the NxG WV CSOs, teachers combined the first two by writing objectives for both literature and informational text with in each cluster. The foundational skills remain as separate clusters, but as you can see on the slide, some of the skills (print concepts & phonological awareness) appear only at grades K-1 and others (phonics and word recognition & fluency) end at 5th grade.
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Writing Speaking & Listening – Communicating
Developmental, beginning with drawing & dictating (K) Focus on opinion pieces, informative/ explanatory texts and narratives (K-5) Emphasis on research and writing Speaking & Listening – Communicating Language – Focus on the conventions of English Emphasis on vocabulary acquisition based on grade level reading and content
What are the Implications for Elementary Instruction?
Reflect and discuss at your table
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Grades 6 -8
Reading targets two types of texts: Reading literature Reading informational texts Objectives are similar yet specific for each type of text. Range of Reading & Level of Text Complexity is provided in a 6-8 band.
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Writing objectives address 3 types of writing: Arguments - the cornerstone of the writing standard Informative/explanatory Narratives – real or imagined Research is emphasized in the writing standard Range of writing refers to Time frames for writing Types of writing (research, reflection, revision) Argument “forces a writer to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of multiple perspectives.” Students must “consider two or more perspectives on a topic or issue, something far beyond surface knowledge is required: students must think critically and deeply, assess the validity of their own thinking, and anticipate counterclaims in opposition to their own assertions. Research objectives are designed to Build & Present Knowledge
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Speaking and Listening: Language:
Objectives are based on the philosophy that “students must have ample opportunities to take part in a variety of rich, structured conversations…built around important content in various domains.” Language: Continues to focus on conventions of English and the acquisition and use of vocabulary. Speaking & Listening: “…high school graduates will depend heavily on their ability to listen attentively to others so that they can build on others’ meritorious ideas while expressing their own clearly and persuasively.” “The Internet has accelerated the speed at which connections between speaking, listening, reading, and writing can be made, requiring that students be ready to use these modalities nearly simultaneously.” Language: Separate Strand, but interwoven throughout the Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Standards.
What are the Implications for Middle School Instruction?
Reflect and discuss at your table
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Grades 9-12 Reading Standard features
Literature Informational Text Range, Quality and Complexity of Student Reading
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Writing Standards 9-12
Text Types and Purposes Arguments Informative/explanatory/narratives Production and Distribution of Writing
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Writing Standards 9-12
Research to Build and Present Knowledge Short and sustained Multiple authoritative print and digital resources Evidence Range of Writing – Extended time frames Shorter Time frame – task, purpose, audience Longer- Time for Research, Reflection, Revision
A Look at the NxG WV CSOs Speaking & Listening Language
Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Skills Language Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
What are the Implications for High School Instruction?
Reflect and discuss at your table
Complex Skills in ELA Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
Complex Skills in ELA Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
“As educators begin to translate the Common Core State Standards (Next Generation WV Content Standards and Objectives) into practice, they have a new opportunity to think about what is important.” David T. Conley Center for Educational Policy Research
Bottom Line? “The ideal result of standards implementation will be to move classroom teaching away from a focus on worksheets, drill-and-memorize activities, and elaborate test-coaching programs, and toward engaging, challenging curriculum that supports content acquisition through a range of instructional modes and techniques, including many that develop student cognitive strategies.” David T. Conley
Questions? Edwina Howard-Jack Denise White
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