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N2K Bellringer 9-14-16 Do not write on my sheet. Please read and answer in your composition notebooks.

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Presentation on theme: "N2K Bellringer 9-14-16 Do not write on my sheet. Please read and answer in your composition notebooks."— Presentation transcript:

1 N2K Bellringer Do not write on my sheet. Please read and answer in your composition notebooks.

2 Parallelism, & Shifts in Tense or Person

3 Essential Questions Review:
EQ 1 & 4: I can recognize and write with correct pronoun- antecedent & subject-verb agreement New this week: EQ 15: I can use transitional devices to connect ideas EQ 2: I can correctly use parallel structure EQ 4: I can write with correct and consistent verb tense

4 Definition The repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. Example Not parallel: Samson likes hiking, the rodeo, and to take afternoon naps. Parallel: Samson likes hiking, attending the rodeo, and taking afternoon naps.

5 Using Parallelism with Coordinating Conjunctions
When you connect two or more clauses or phrases with a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, or, yet, but, or so), use parallel structure. Example Not parallel: My best friend took me dancing and to a show. Parallel: My best friend took me to a dance and a show.

6 With Correlative Conjunctions
When you connect two clauses or phrases with a correlative conjunction (not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, if…then, etc.), use parallel structure. Example Not parallel: Luisa’s dog not only likes to play fetch, but also chase cars. Parallel: Luisa’s dog not only likes to play fetch, but he also likes to chase cars. With Correlative Conjunctions

7 With Phrases or Clauses of Comparison
When you connect two clauses or phrases with a word of comparison, such as than or as, use parallel structure. Example Not parallel: Anahi would rather pay for an education than financial aid. Parallel: Anahi would rather pay for an education than receive financial aid.

8 When you are comparing items in a list, use parallel structure.
Example Not parallel: The house keeper looked inside the drawers, the bookcase, and under the recliner for the missing wallet. Parallel: The housekeeper looked inside the drawers, on top of the bookcase, and under the recliner for the missing wallet. With Lists

9 Practice Michaela would rather eat potatoes than rice.
Last summer I learned tennis, to swim, and riding a horse. The employee was conscientious, devoted, and he worked hard. We found the film disgusting, offensive, and we thought it was embarrassing. I like the main character’s courage, loyalty, and he is kind to his ancient mother. A competent physician will assess a patient’s physical symptoms, and mental attitude will also be considered. Practice

10 Video

11 Get out a sheet of paper for practice classwork
Get out a sheet of paper for practice classwork. Turn it in to the bin at the end of class.

12 Parallelism Independent Practice
Below is a list of sentences. On your paper, If it’s correct Write “C”. If not, rewrite with correct parallelism. 1. Tanya is smart, beautiful, and caring. 2. Walker’s day is so long that he gets up at 6:00 am, leaves for school at 6:30 am, is eating dinner at 10:30 pm, and goes to bed at 11:30 pm. 3. If you go to the store, please remember to pick up your prescription, buy some shampoo, and to look for a notebook. 4. Ciera was not only Jordyn’s roommate, but also her best friend. 5. Most people play golf for pleasure, for exercise, and for social contacts. 6. The most dangerous forms of transportation are bicycles, cars, and riding motorcycles. 7. Many people share the same three fears: making speeches, Fear of Heights, and working with numbers.

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