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Michael H. Rosenthal, MD, PhD Hiroto Hatabu, MD, PhD

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1 Estimation of Dual-Input Blood Volumes Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Michael H. Rosenthal, MD, PhD Hiroto Hatabu, MD, PhD Francine Jacobson, MD, MPH

2 Traditional Perfusion Analysis
• Exponential kinetic models • Homogeneous compartments and voxels • Limited emphasis on dual-input vascular supplies Challenges Subvoxel characterization Measurement and modeling of dual inflows Temporal resolution

3 Composite Voxels Consider tissue voxels as a mixture of reference vascular signals: Estimate weighting factors αi using least squares Subtracted signal used to isolate enhancement

4 Monte Carlo Simulation
Numerical phantom Six vascular compartments Eleven ‘mixed’ targets Gaussian white noise to test SNR from 0.1 to 5.0 ROIs from 1 to 900 pixels Sampling from 1/s to 0.1/s 206,250 iterations

5 Results Standard error in vessel contents ≤ 3%:
SNR ≥ 0.2 and ROI ≥ 100 pixels at ≥ 0.1 Hz SNR ≥ 1 and ROI ≥ 25 pixels at ≥ 0.1 Hz Standard error in vessel contents ≤ 1%: SNR ≥ 1 and ROI ≥ 81 pixels at ≥ 0.1 Hz

6 Clinical DCE-MRI Example

7 Characterization of Pulmonary Tissues in Clinical DCE-MRI Cases
Tissue of Interest Pulmonary Arterial Fraction Volume Systemic Arterial Fraction Volume Pleural Mesothelioma 0.04 0.29 Normal Lung 0.11 0.02 Chronic Atelectasis 0.06 0.17

8 Conclusions • Viewing voxels as mixtures of reference signals allows subvoxel estimation in a simple numerical phantom • Early anecdotal promise in clinical applications • Prospective clinical evaluation in progress

9 This work was supported in part by RSNA Research and Education Foundation Resident Research Grant RR0826. Questions?

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