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Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

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Presentation on theme: "Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays"— Presentation transcript:

1 Their Eyes Were Watching God Essays

2 First: Take a look at the prompt you chose to write about. Please note: some of you did not turn the prompt in with your essay—please take it out of your folder and staple it to the essay now. At the end of your essay, answer the following questions: What does the prompt ask you to do? What pieces of information do you need to answer the prompt? What pieces of information do you NOT need to answer the prompt? With this in mind, read your essay.

3 Now, in your reader’s journal, answer the following questions:
How solid was your thesis? Explain. What score would you have given yourself? Why? What are 2-3 things that you could have done differently to ensure your score would have been higher? Why would these things have made a difference? What are 2 things you did well and would not want to change on similar essays that may occur in the future?

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