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Jennifer Class Ms. Valenti November 2005

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Presentation on theme: "Jennifer Class Ms. Valenti November 2005"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jennifer Class 3-303 Ms. Valenti November 2005
Hurricane Rita Jennifer Class 3-303 Ms. Valenti November 2005

2 What is a Hurricane? A hurricane is a huge storm that forms over warm water. A hurricane has a lot of power.

3 How Does a Hurricane Form?
A hurricane forms from warm ocean water.

4 How Are Hurricanes Classified?
Hurricanes are classified by Category 1,2,3,4 or 5. They have to be a category for hurricanes so the meteorologists can track the hurricane.

5 Intro To My Hurricane My hurricane is hurricane Rita.
I chose this hurricane because I think it would be interesting to research.

6 Duration Hurricane Rita started on Sept. 17, 2005.
Hurricane Rita ended on Sept. 26, 2005.

7 Areas Affected Hurricane Rita had affected lots of places in America.
The places affected are The Bahamas, Florida, Cuba, Yucatan Peninsula, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, and Arkansas

8 How can we be prepare? We need to prepare by getting the following items: Money Food Your family Bandages Tools Water Book to read Medicine

9 Bibliography 150px-Hurricane_Rita_Peak Nov.23, 2005 Hurricane Nov.23, 2005 Hurricanebegins Nov. 23, 2005 _ _flood_getty Nov. 30, 2005 _ _02_rita_afp_ _02_rita_afp Nov.30,2005 _ _03_rita_getty Nov.30,2005

10 Other Information

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