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Electromagnetism Project One Introduction

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1 Electromagnetism Project One Introduction
Kyle Godin Advisor(s): Dr. EH Yang and Dr. Stefan Strauf NJ Alliance for Engineering Education: A GK-12 Program Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ NHRHS 2012 Not going to cover any history of Maglevs, or currently operating ones or projects or anything Supported by the National Science Foundation GK-12 Program, Grant No. DGE Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

2 Electricity Image: UK Power Networks
Basic circuits – need to have complete loop Current flows from positive to negative (but actually reverse because e- are mobile) Drift veloity of few cm/s versus signal velocity of near the speed of light Image: UK Power Networks

3 Intel TeslaDownUnder ZME Science Germany. Magnets lift up from below. Unstable – you have to continuously vary the magnet strength in a feedback loop in order to get the correct height. Image from University of Alabama

4 Magnetism Alexander Wilmer Duff

5 Jeannelle Midlifebyfarmlight

6 Michael Faraday A lot of dudes, Faraday, Ampere, Maxwell, etc. Faraday believed in fields when others didn’t. Faraday sucked at math. Einstein kept photos of Faraday, Maxwell, and Newton in his office.

7 Electromagnetism Maxwell’s Equations James Clerk Maxwell 1861
E and M are the same thing. Maxwell’s Equations. Everything you experience is either EMAG or gravity. So if its not gravity, it is due to electric or magnetic things. Sight, sound, touch, blah, chemical reactions. Gauss’ Law: get electric field from electric charges. 2: there are no magnetic charges. Faraday’s Law: changing magnetic field produces an electric field. Ampere’s Law: changing E field nets you B. Or! Electric currents net you B. Maxwell – speed of light Image: Loo Kang Wee (lookang)

8 Ampere: Magnetic Field Around a Wire
Demonstration One Image: Hyperphysics

9 Magnetic Field of a Current Loop (Solenoid, Inductor, Voice Coil, Electromagnet)
Replace u0 with u for non-vacuum core. Iron core gets you higher magnetic field. ur = 5000 for pure iron. Demonstration 2. Image: Hyperphysics


11 An aside: sound waves

12 AC (alternating current)
Voltage Time

13 Sound Wave Air Density Time


15 Your Project: Build your own home-made speaker


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