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Alternative Old Testament Daniel 6:6-28

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1 Alternative Old Testament Daniel 6:6-28
Rescued ACC 2016 Session 1 Matthew 14:22-33 Session 2 Genesis 50:20-21 Alternative Old Testament Daniel 6:6-28

2 Boats

3 New Testament Bible Study
Matthew 14:22-33

4 Who was Peter? How are you like Peter? Did Peter have faith in Jesus? Do you have faith in Jesus? What made Peter sink? What are things that take your eyes/ focus off of Jesus? What did Jesus do when Peter began to sink? Are there times you need Jesus to rescue you?

5 Jesus rescues those who have faith in Him even if it is little.

6 Peter stepped out on to the water and trusted in Jesus strength and not on his own strength.
Has Jesus called you to do things based on His strength and not your own? Did you doubt that Jesus could use you?

7 Remember that Jesus will rescue those who have faith in Him even when they doubt Him and He will use your faith to accomplish great things. If only for a minute, Peter DID walk on water through the strength of Jesus.

8 Old Testament Bible Study
Genesis 50:20-21

9 Was Joseph angry with his brothers?
Have you ever had anyone do something mean to you? Have you ever thought that God could use what that mean person did to you for something greater?

10 God never promised us that bad things won’t happen to us, but he does promise to rescue and protect us when those things happen. He even uses those bad things to bring glory to Him. Also, God’s plan doesn’t end when He rescues you. He wants you to share that experience with others to show them how great God is.

11 Talk or write about a time that someone meant to bring you harm
Talk or write about a time that someone meant to bring you harm. Think about the way you handled that problem. Could you have done anything differently?

12 Alternative Old Testament Bible Study
Daniel 6:6-28

13 What do you know about lions?
Would you be scared of a hungry lion? What had Daniel done that the King had said not to do? How did Daniel show that he serves only GOD?

14 Would you choose to serve God if you knew that you could be in danger for praying to Him?
God blessed Daniel’s obedience to Him by rescuing him from the lions, but something greater happened after God saved Daniel.

15 God blessed Daniel’s obedience to Him by rescuing him from the lions, but something greater happened after God saved Daniel.

16 How did the King change after he saw that Daniel’s God had protected Daniel from the lions?

17 Because of what God had done, the King finally understood that Daniel’s God, OUR GOD, was the Living God that endures forever and rescues those who serve Him continually.

18 Share some ways that God has used something bad to bring glory to Him so that others would finally see that He is the Living God that saves.

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