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John Brazier, Academic Project Manager

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Presentation on theme: "John Brazier, Academic Project Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 John Brazier, Academic Project Manager

2 Perceived needs in 2008 Focus on learners following vocational pathways and young adult and work-based learners in Kent and Medway Medway is an urban area of c250,000 people: supporting the development of the creative industries developing creative and cultural quarters priority area for development by the Arts Council Need for ‘bite-sized’ Continuing Professional Development provision in business skills for creative entrepreneurs and for creative skills and techniques for other employers

3 Project plan Aim: To inject Creativity into Business and Business Skills into Creative Enterprise through the development and piloting of innovative new learning opportunities which could also lead to progression onto undergraduate and post-graduate courses Objectives : To re-package Higher Education (HE) modules to explore methods of reaching a wider audience, award credits and support progression

4 What our students really want

5 26 courses of 10 to 15 weeks Including: Event Design Marketing
Photography for Creatives Visual Presentation Problem Solving Team-building and Negotiation Entrepreneurship for Creatives Creative Thinking Project Management Creative I.T. Media Strategies Web Design

6 540 Students on short courses

7 Student feedback 93% of students considered the quality of teaching good 79% saw a benefit to their career or business 97% felt better equipped to do their job or take another educational course 70% are more likely to take further HE courses

8 22 Networking events

9 Partnership with employers

10 The Tonic Brand

11 The immediate future Making use of the brand
Services for creative business A mixed economy Membership, subscriptions and fees International collaborations: Interreg IVa

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