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2008 General Meeting Assemblée générale 2008 Toronto, Ontario

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1 2008 General Meeting Assemblée générale 2008 Toronto, Ontario
Canadian Institute of Actuaries L’Institut canadien des actuaires 2008 General Meeting Assemblée générale 2008 Toronto, Ontario

2 Report on CIA Group Committee
Gen O8 - November 2008 Gary Walters

3 CIA Group Committee Mandate
The Group Committee will: Provide a resource on Group Insurance to existing CIA committees: as a source of volunteers on Group Insurance specific topics, a source of advice on the special circumstances of Group insurance and to review standards of practice, education and study notes for their applicability to and impact on Group Act as a resource in disseminating information, providing advice and promoting continuing education on Group topics to the CIA membership Provide a means to initiate Group related activities within the CIA on subjects which are most important to Group actuaries Encourage Group actuaries to be more involved and engaged with the CIA

4 CIA Group Committee Membership
Linda Maillett Shannon Patershuk Denis Garand Rob Hinrichs Bruce Langstroth Jeff Neufeld – Vice-Chair Andrew Ryan Gary Walters – Chair Vacancy for consultant – anyone interested?

5 Group Committee Activities
Resource to CIA Committees Assisted research committee in getting Group LTD experience committee back in action Assisted capital committee in review of new approximations for Group in MCCSR mortality Provided support in development of Group Skill & Knowledge Inventory Ideas for sessions for program committee CLIFR re new Group Valuation Education note

6 Group Committee Activities
Dissemination of Information Set up group Actuary List-server Used sparingly for important information AD&D court decisions Group SKI CLHIA Risk Concentration form

7 Group Committee Activities
Instigate Group relevant activities Investigation Task Force re support that CIA can provide those actuaries doing post employment benefit valuations Task force on Sources of Earnings for Group Discussion with Capital Committee re MCCSR morbidity factors

8 Group Committee Activities
Encourage greater involvement from Group Actuaries ???? Future Need for DACT guidance for Group? Need review of PfAD guidance for Group? Other ideas?

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