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Frequently Asked Questions

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1 Frequently Asked Questions
Why should people use public transport in a city? More public transport would mean Reduction in congestion in the city, increase in efficiency of the city, growth of trade and commerce and thereby economy Reduction in fuel consumption, and consequently pollution, de-cluttering of roads, and even getting people into the healthy habit of walking (at least up to the bus-stands!). To have better speed, safety, environment Why cities should prefer ‘Buses’ as a mode of public transport? To minimize infrastructure costs To increase safety To take advantage of existing roadways in cities that already have a comprehensive road network for private automobile

2 Frequently Asked Questions
When do private transport modes are to be utilized by people (For what trips)? People use more private transportation modes for social and infrequent trips - The matters of privacy, better comfort in travelling, faster mode of reaching the destination and reaching ones doorstep rather than having to walk a mile after being dropped from a pubic transport mode. When is public transport more economical option to the individuals and society (for which trips)? Public transportation is more economical option for Daily trips like driving to work, education longer distance trips When it involves lesser number of riders Is bus transport a business or a service? Bus transport is primarily a service to be carried out with a business orientation because It serves larger mass in all the classes in society especially the economically weaker sections, women etc. Such ventures can not be kept fully on subsidies and grants for its sustained operation.

3 Frequently Asked Questions
Should bus transport recover its full costs or depend on subsidies? Efforts should be made to increase non-traffic revenues through advertisements, property development etc. What are major costs and benefits of public Transport? Costs Costs due to congestion Costs due to accidents Costs due to environmental pollution Costs due to visual hindrances Benefits Savings in infrastructure costs Savings in fuel consumption Savings in travel time Better quality of life 8. What are the reasons for the poor state of Public Transport? Lack of commitment to PT due to poor service Poor institutional coordination Inadequate funding Poor management at organizational level No personal lobby for PT Lack of coherent policy

4 Frequently Asked Questions
9. Who is primarily responsible for the poor state of Public Transport? Policy makers Planners Public Transport Operators Poor state of public transport isn’t the sole responsibility of a single authority or organisation. Only an integrated approach and coordination between the levels can improve the state of public transport. Stakeholders have to share the blame too. How to make Public Transport an agenda for political parties? Sensitize or bring more awareness to members of parliament, legislators, municipal officials, stakeholders etc.

5 Frequently Asked Questions
What are the recommended policy actions to promote Public Transport? Raising fuel prices Addressing road congestions Addressing accessibility issues Addressing safety issues Three Actions to be taken by planners… Updating planning studies at regular intervals Integrating land-use and transport planning Coordinating the planning and implementation processes Three Actions to be taken by Public Transport Operators… Identification of transport corridors Assessment of adequate fleet requirements Setting up Passenger Interface - meetings - feedback - reviews

6 Frequently Asked Questions
14. What should “public” do to get better Public Transport Services? Public should insist on efficiency and accessibility Public should spread the advantages of using more public transport in the overall improvement of the society Public should follow the rules and regulations and use the facilities available. Public should actively participate in meetings and public opinion surveys 15. Can improvement of public transport and increased use of personal vehicles go up simultaneously? Or, do they have inverse relationship? No, they are inversely related. The improvement of public transport can decrease use of personal vehicles significantly. Because more people would use them due to higher economic viability and lesser traffic congestion. Improvement to PT will result in more ‘structured’ travel and discrete travel will happen by private modes.

7 Frequently Asked Questions
16. Is there a model city in our country, for public transport services? If not, why the situation developed like that? There isn’t any model city in India, but some cities which come close to efficient Public Transport are Bangalore and Mumbai. The basic reasons for not being efficient of all other cities are due to lack of funding and economic viability, poor infrastructure and thus incurred losses, unchecked growth and usage of private vehicles etc. 17. Presently the bus owners have one or two buses in the private sector. Is it a desirable option for citizens to get quality services? Public transport should be operated by fleet operators There should be regulation for the entry of operators. For example, minimum size of 25 buses is be required. 18. Why corporate sector is not entering Public transport business, in our country? ‘Entry barriers’ are low; raise the entry barrier Subsidy packages are not offered; social cost to be met

8 Frequently Asked Questions
While new models for cars and Two Wheelers are coming up frequently, why is the automotive industry not coming with new models for buses? The new models for buses are launching these days by automotive industry to accommodate maximum number of people, along with some international standards, so as to provide ease and comfort to people and bus operators both. For e.g.: the A.C. bus running in Bangalore. In some cases the usual model of buses which are in use for decades are due to constraints of budget for Public Transport for Government. Therefore, it takes a long time and money to update he models of these buses. Also, the factors like usage of buses by people in improper manner, which dissuade the conditions of buses. While car prices are coming down (There is lot of choice for cars), the Public Transport costs are going up Year of the year? What are the reasons for such scenario? Essentially, public transport covers about 20% - 25% of its cost, that is people pay on the fare about 25% of the cost. If the price is raised, fewer people will use public transport. Whereas, motor vehicle usage fully pays for all its costs, including the road costs. The main reason for the falling prices of cars is because of the market and the competition.

9 Frequently Asked Questions
21. What is Land use Transport integration, How to get desirable integration, for a given city? Land use transport integration' has been part of planning ideology for decades. Today it is seen as a means of achieving sustainable travel outcomes. The integration of land use and transport recognizes the different functions of centers and corridors, and signals the primacy of centers and the relationship of corridors The location and nature of land use is a key factor in determining the region's transport needs, while transport systems can both facilitate and reinforce development patterns and provide for quality, liveable places. Together land use and transport are "city shaping".

10 Frequently Asked Questions
22. Should the Municipal Corporations be made responsible for Urban Transport? What is the best organizational form for public transport? Municipal Corporations should be made responsible for urban transport. The municipality should demand the type of service that the city needs. Involving large number of organization would make the system more rigid and complex. Thus A centrally controlled organizational form is the best than a fully divided system. 23. The Traffic management in many cities is in chaos .What should be done to improve the situation? To improve the situation the following can be done The creation of a Traffic Management Center and the implementation of traffic management schemes Strengthening traffic enforcement through training and the provision of equipment Enhancing the planning of surface public transport operations

11 Frequently Asked Questions
24. Which Authority is accountable for Public Transport Provision for a City? The local Municipality is responsible for public transport for that city 25. What are the externalities effecting the performance of Public Transport business? How private sector manages them? Public transport is affected by the externalities listed below - Ill conditioned buses requiring higher maintenance - Poor roads resulting in higher operational costs - Poor management Private sector manages these externalities - By providing new buses - Better Management - Provide better maintenance since funds are available

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