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Maximum effort Principles 2 & 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximum effort Principles 2 & 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximum effort Principles 2 & 3

2 Learning goals We are learning the difference between max force and max velocity. We are learning to apply these principles to sport examples.

3 Well … maximal or near-maximal effort is required by most skills
associated with 2 principles: Principle #2 - Maximum Force Principle #3 - Maximum Speed

4 Some terms Force: a push or pull that causes motion, (N)
Velocity: how fast a body is moving in a specific direction (m/s) Acceleration: the rate of change in velocity (m/s/s)

5 Principle 2: maximum force
the production of maximum force requires the use of all the joints that can be used if one is left out, then the force will be reduced use slower, controlled movements at high intensities e.g. power lifting

6 the more joints that an athlete uses in a movement, the more muscles they contract and the greater force they can exert.

7 Recall: law #2 larger athlete - slower starts more force to get moving

8 Principle 3: maximum velocity
the production of maximum velocity requires the use of joints in order from largest to smallest larger, slower joint 1st smaller, faster joints 2nd maximum possible speed at impact (The Critical Instant) is achieved by adding the speeds of the preceding body segments

9 Baseball anyone? What is the order of joint progression for Maximum Velocity in the baseball pitch?

10 That was easy … Running

11 applications many sports require both maximal force and velocity
e.g. Baseball pitch e.g. Overhand Skills Some skills require less force thus fewer muscle groups. e.g. badminton serve e.g. archery

12 Learning goals We are learning the difference between max force and max velocity. We are learning to apply these principles to sport examples.

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