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America’s Leading Import: People

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1 America’s Leading Import: People
Chapter 10 Section 3 Main Idea: As a result of the industrial revolution and European instability many immigrants immigrated to the U.S. looking to start a new life. Push Factors for immigration Pull Factors for immigration Immigrants in the U.S. Irish Potato Famine Irish in America Germans in America

2 America’s Leading Import: People
Chapter 10, Section 3

3 Push Factors for Immigration
Reasons why someone would want to LEAVE their home country War, religious or political persecution, overcrowding, poverty, lack of jobs

4 Pull Factors for Immigration
Qualities about US that attract people TO America Jobs, chance for wealth, religious and political freedom, cheap land, chance to start over, adventure

5 Immigrants in US 1820s – 500,000 1840s – 2,500,000 1850s – 2,700,000
Immigrants by decade

6 Irish Potato Famine Potatoes were main source of food for Irish
Disease killed most potatoes between Resulted in famine Millions of Irish left for US

7 Irish in America Settled mostly in cities – Boston or New York
Some worked on canals or railroads Faced tremendous prejudice

8 Germans in America Famine and Napoleonic wars caused immigration
Came to escape dictatorship in Austria Many moved to mid-west on farms

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