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Welcome to Hamble! 2018-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Hamble! 2018-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Hamble!

2 Meet the team Mrs Tingley Class Teacher Miss Salter Teaching Assistant Mrs Petros LSA 1:1 Mrs Peto LSA 1:1 Open door policy. We are looking forward to working with you all this year to ensure the best education for your child. If you ever have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch. It can be busy in the morning so any general messages can be put into the Home Contact Books or Reading Diaries. These are checked every morning my Miss Salter. Thank you for helping to keep the door clear in the morning 

3 Curriculum Map & Journey
The year one’s will be settling into their new timetable. New system for Year 1 – allowing more time for whole cohort teaching. We will be creating a fun environment with lots of different continuous provision activities to collect a baseline for the Reception children and to enhance the learning of all. Chilli challenge

4 Topics Autumn Term *Visit to St Peter’s church *Walk around Slinfold
Into the woods *Visit to St Peter’s church *Walk around Slinfold *Visit from the Fire station *Slinfold residents past and present *Autumn day – Hamble & Medway *Christmas production Phonics workshop: Friday 28th September.

5 Phonics and Grammar Phonics/spelling patterns are taught daily in year groups using: Song of Sounds for Year R and 1. Phase 1 activities – Reception Early work spelling of the common exception words Yr 1: Grammar is taught through high quality texts. The children are taught to recognise the technical terms e.g. noun, verb, adjective. There will also be SPAG sessions with Mrs Tingley every week.

6 Tricky words and high frequency words
Reception: 6 words will be sent home at a time. We will check to see if the children know them when reading with them weekly. A new set of words will then be sent home. All words need to be recognised before moving onto spelling. Year 1 – focus on spelling as well as reading the word walls. You can help at home by: Practise spelling the common exception words using the ‘Word Walls’ Encourage your child to recognise these words in their reading

7 Reading The children will be asked to change their books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We are currently supporting them in this area. Please record the reading your child does at home in their purple reading records (Year 1) or Home contact books (Year R) Please bring the reading record/home contact book in every day.

8 Reading Rockets Challenge
Please try to listen to your child read 5 times a week and record this in their reading diary The children will move up the rockets each week if they read 5 times . At the end of each half term if they have reached the top rocket they will be given a small prize.

9 Forest School Forest school is on a Wednesday afternoon after February half term. Please make sure the children bring in a suitable change of clothes, waterproof coat and wellington boots on that day. They do go out whatever the weather!

10 Homework Homework will be set on Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. Year 1: Value homework at the beginning of each half term where the children will be given a task related to our Christian value Topic homework – termly Weekly homework will focus on phonics, spelling and grammar. 'Word Wall Challenge' Informal number bonds activity/quiz every Monday Reception: Tricky words & HFW will be sent home once the baseline has been completed. Homework will start after half term. Focus; talk home learning, phonics, hands on activities.

11 Reception: online journal
New for Parent partnership This is used alongside their learning journeys. 2-3 observations every week. Some Homework and online activities will be set throughout the year. The children can access this site with their login (which will be sent home).

12 Awards Achievement Worship - every Friday Golden leaves – every half term Outstanding achievement cup – every term 100% attendance certificate

13 Day to day life in Hamble Class
8.30am Registration/Sharing books/Super sentences/ number work WAKE AND SHAKE! Whole class learning time (year 1 separate / extended input. Small adult led group activities and child initiated learning Worship Playtime Whole class learning time (year 1 separate / extended input/ activity) 12-1 Lunch 1pm Registration Small adult led group activities & child initiated learning Story time 3.05pm Home time

14 Day to day life Lunchtime - The year Rs and year 1s go into lunch first. Water bottles – please can you make sure your child has a named one in school (with plain water in it) School fruit/fruit snack from home. Labelling clothes No rucksacks please!  Healthy schools – no cakes or sweets for birthdays.

15 Day to day life PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. PE kits can stay in school. We will send them home every half term. PE – outside providers Scooter Fridays! Please leave your scooters along the right hand side of Hamble Class. We will then put them in the Scooter Shed after the lesson. Scooter sessions will happen every over half term, starting next Friday (21st September) A parent mail will be sent out as a reminder. Computing is on Tuesday (Yr R) and Thursday (Yr1) with Mrs Upstone. PPA -Mrs Caddock will be covering Mrs Tingley on Friday afternoons.

16 Slinfold self-control
*Promoting independence *Having a good attitude towards their learning. *Safe play *Smart walking

17 If you have any spare time and would like to volunteer please speak to the office to start the DBS procedure School grounds day tomorrow! All welcome! 

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