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Ideas about government

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1 Ideas about government
Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights and Beyond. . . Standard 8.28

2 Magna Carta Document signed by King John in 1215
Made the king subject to law-limited government


4 English Bill of Rights Passed in 1689
King William and Queen Mary were the monarchs at the time Declared the supremacy of Parliament—it has the power to pass laws

5 English Bill of Rights The people gained power through their representative government Stopped the King and Queen from passing new taxes or changing laws without Parliament’s permission

6 English Bill of Rights It allowed: freedom of speech and debate
no excessive bail right to petition the government the right to a trial

7 American Models of Government
Town meetings Virginia House of Burgesses Mayflower Compact Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Declaration of Independence

8 Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom
Written by Thomas Jefferson No person could be forced to attend a particular church or be required to pay for a church with tax money Established a separation of church and state


10 Oldest State Constitution? Massachusetts
Created in 1780 and still used today

11 Answer on your bellringer.
Create a list of similarities between Great Britain's government and Colonial America’s government with what we have today.

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