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When was the last time you had the flu or were sick?

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2 When was the last time you had the flu or were sick?
Describe the progression of your illness. What differences were there between the beginning, the height of the flu, and the end?

Much like an illness, revolutions can also be studied in stages

4 This stage in an illness is when the cause of the sickness first comes
into contact with the individual, infecting them, but not yet causing any symptoms to present themselves. What would this stage be like in a revolution? Magna Carta (1215) English Bill of Rights (1689) -no excessive fines/bails -no cruel punishment -habeas corpus -Parliament French – Indian War Enlightenment Hobbes Locke Montesquieu Rousseau Voltaire contract representation.(Hobbes) Natural rights (Locke) Salutary Neglect In a revolution, this stage would involve the political, social, intellectual, or economic causes. In some cases, these causes could fester for many years before showing themselves in the form of actual revolutionary action.

5 Stage 1: Incubation Magna Carta (1215) English Bill of Rights (1689)
Enlightenment Locke Natural rights Montesquieu Salutary Neglect French – Indian War

6 Stage 1: Incubation Cont’d Paying off England’s National Debt
The end of the French & Indian War in 1763 led to new economic & political restrictions on the colonies Chief Minister George Grenville assessed England’ debt after French & Indian War & initiated the Grenville Acts:

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