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Origins of American Government

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1 Origins of American Government
Chapter 2

2 Our Political Beginnings
Section 1 Our Political Beginnings

3 Basic Concepts of Government
Four basic concepts were fundamental to the English system of law which influenced the founders of the U.S. Rule of Law Ordered Government Limited Government Representative Government

4 Rule of Law The government and its officials are subject to the same laws as other citizens.

5 Ordered Government Government has many offices with different functions. i.e. sheriff, coroner, assessor, etc.

6 Limited Government The government is not all-powerful. Government is restricted to what it can and cannot do.

7 Representative Government
The government should serve the will of the people.

8 Landmark English Documents
The Magna Carta The Petition of Right The English Bill of Rights

9 The English Bill of Rights
The Magna Carta The Petition of Right The English Bill of Rights Trial by Jury Due Process of Law Rule of Law Habeas Corpus Trial by Jury Due Process of Law No Martial Law in Times of Peace No Quartering of Troops without Consent Parliament Given Power of Taxation No Standing Army in Peacetime Without Parliamentary Consent Requires Free Parliamentary Elections Laws Cannot be Suspended without Parliamentary Consent No Taxation without Parliamentary Consent Petition the King Fair Trial No Excessive Bail or Cruel and Unusual Punishments

10 The Thirteen Colonies Colonists had been participating in government for decades before the American Revolution. Royal Colonies Directly controlled by crown – royal governor oversaw colonial government. Colonists given political voice through colonial legislatures. Proprietary Colonies Controlled by lord proprietor – proprietor appointed governor who oversaw colonial government. Charter Colonies Relatively self-governing colonies.


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