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Modules 38-39: Personality

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1 Modules 38-39: Personality
Clicker Questions Exploring Psychology, 10th Edition by David G. Myers & C. Nathan DeWall Slides by Laura Beavin Haider, Ph.D. Modules 38-39: Personality

2 Classic Perspectives on Personality
Module 38

3 1. Which part of the personality structure strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives?
A. Id B. Ego C. Defense mechanisms D. Superego

4 1. Which part of the personality structure strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives? ANSWER A. Id B. Ego C. Defense mechanisms D. Superego

5 2. Freud believed children progress through _____, which is when the id’s pleasure-seeking energies are focused on distinct erogenous zones. A. a hierarchy of needs B. defense mechanisms C. psychosexual stages D. five personality dimensions

6 2. Freud believed children progress through _____, which is when the id’s pleasure-seeking energies are focused on distinct erogenous zones. ANSWER A. a hierarchy of needs B. defense mechanisms C. psychosexual stages D. five personality dimensions

7 3. Which defense mechanism, currently referred to as the false consensus effect, is characterized by disguising one’s own threatening impulses by attributing them to others? A. Rationalization B. Projection C. Displacement D. Reaction formation

8 3. Which defense mechanism, currently referred to as the false consensus effect, is characterized by disguising one’s own threatening impulses by attributing them to others? ANSWER A. Rationalization B. Projection C. Displacement D. Reaction formation

9 4. Which psychoanalyst believed that much of behavior is driven by efforts to conquer feelings of childhood inferiority? A. Sigmund Freud B. Karen Horney C. Alfred Adler D. Carl Jung

10 4. Which psychoanalyst believed that much of behavior is driven by efforts to conquer feelings of childhood inferiority? ANSWER A. Sigmund Freud B. Karen Horney C. Alfred Adler D. Carl Jung

11 5. The attitude of total acceptance toward another person is called (a):
A. trait. B. self-actualization. C. self-concept. D. unconditional positive regard.

12 5. The attitude of total acceptance toward another person is called (a): ANSWER
A. trait. B. self-actualization. C. self-concept. D. unconditional positive regard.

13 6. Which of the following would be considered a projective test of personality?
A. Rorschach inkbot test B. MMPI C. The Big Five factor test D. MBTI

14 6. Which of the following would be considered a projective test of personality? ANSWER
A. Rorschach inkblot test B. MMPI C. The Big Five factor test D. MBTI

15 7. Helen has a happy marriage, a job where she feels secure, and a strong self-esteem; however, she still feels as though she has not yet fulfilled her full potential. According to Maslow, Helen is seeking: A. self-actualization B. unconditional positive regard C. self-transcendence D. identification

16 7. Helen has a happy marriage, a job where she feels secure, and a strong self-esteem; however, she still feels as though she has not yet fulfilled her full potential. According to Maslow, Helen is seeking: ANSWER A. self-actualization B. unconditional positive regard C. self-transcendence D. identification

17 Contemporary Perspectives on Personality
Module 39

18 8. Which of the following statements regarding the Big Five personality dimensions is TRUE?
A. The Big Five personality traits have strong stability through our lives. B. Big Five traits do not predict actual behaviors. C. The Big Five traits are solely influenced by environmental factors. D. Brain structure is related to several Big Five traits.

19 8. Which of the following statements regarding the Big Five personality dimensions is TRUE? ANSWER
A. The Big Five personality traits have strong stability through our lives. B. Big Five traits do not predict actual behaviors. C. The Big Five traits are solely influenced by environmental factors. D. Brain structure is related to several Big Five traits.

20 9. The interacting influences of behavior, internal cognition, and environment is called (the):
A. self-serving bias. B. self-efficacy. C. reciprocal determinism. D. spotlight effect.

21 9. The interacting influences of behavior, internal cognition, and environment is called (the): ANSWER A. self-serving bias. B. self-efficacy. C. reciprocal determinism. D. spotlight effect.

22 10. The center of personality is considered (the):
A. self. B. self-esteem. C. self-efficacy. D. self-serving bias.

23 10. The center of personality is considered (the): ANSWER
A. self. B. self-esteem. C. self-efficacy. D. self-serving bias.

24 11. In comparing the major personality theories, which argues that our behavior in one situation is best predicted by considering our past behavior in similar situations? A. Psychoanalytic B. Humanistic C. Social-cognitive D. Trait

25 11. In comparing the major personality theories, which argues that our behavior in one situation is best predicted by considering our past behavior in similar situations? ANSWER A. Psychoanalytic B. Humanistic C. Social-cognitive D. Trait

26 12. Clark’s personality is both sociable/outgoing and easy going/carefree. Which of the Eysenck factors would characterize his traits? A. Unstable - introverted B. Stable - extraverted C. Unstable - extraverted D. Stable - introverted

27 12. Clark’s personality is both sociable/outgoing and easy going/carefree. Which of the Eysenck factors would characterize his traits? ANSWER A. Unstable - introverted B. Stable - extraverted C. Unstable - extraverted D. Stable - introverted

28 13. MaryAnn is about to try snowboarding for the first time
13. MaryAnn is about to try snowboarding for the first time. She has done well skiing before and believes she will perform exceptionally. MaryAnn has (a): A. high self-efficacy. B. low-self-esteem. C. high self-esteem. D. self-serving bias.

29 13. MaryAnn is about to try snowboarding for the first time
13. MaryAnn is about to try snowboarding for the first time. She has done well skiing before and believes she will perform exceptionally. MaryAnn has (a): ANSWER A. high self-efficacy. B. low-self-esteem. C. high self-esteem. D. self-serving bias.

30 14. Jonathan brags about his amazing driving skills as inborn talent, yet discounts the accident he got into last week as the other driver’s fault. This is an example of (the): A. spotlight effect. B. self-efficacy. C. self-serving bias. D. narcissism.

31 14. Jonathan brags about his amazing driving skills as inborn talent, yet discounts the accident he got into last week as the other driver’s fault. This is an example of (the): ANSWER A. spotlight effect. B. self-efficacy. C. self-serving bias. D. narcissism.

32 15. Shaina just moved to a new country, and despite being a bit homesick, she loves that she can be herself and exercise her independence. Shaina would be defined as (a/an): A. narcissist. B. collectivist. C. introvert. D. individualist.

33 15. Shaina just moved to a new country, and despite being a bit homesick, she loves that she can be herself and exercise her independence. Shaina would be defined as (a/an): ANSWER A. narcissist. B. collectivist. C. introvert. D. individualist.

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