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IAB Feedback and Action Taken

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1 IAB Feedback and Action Taken
Assessment of Undergraduate Programs

2 Assessment of Undergraduate Programs
IAB Meeting Meeting was held on January 22, 2016 IAB provided feedback about educational objectives and curriculum Assessment of Undergraduate Programs

3 Assessment of Undergraduate Programs
IAB Suggestions Revising Program Educational Objectives: Revise PEO 2 (Graduates should meet the needs of industry or academia) to include a phrase about “becoming productive quickly” Action: Suggestion was discussed by the undergraduate curriculum committee (UGCC). The committee felt that “becoming productive quickly” is a part of “meeting the needs of industry” and recommended no change to PEO 2. The committee decision was endorsed by the faculty. Assessment of Undergraduate Programs

4 Assessment of Undergraduate Programs
IAB Suggestions Changes to the Curriculum: Add coverage of Agile Methods: Added to CS/SE 3354 (Software Engineering) Virtualization: Added to CS/SE 4348 (Operating Systems) Multicore Operating Systems: Enhanced coverage of concurrency in CS/SE 4348 (Operating Systems Future Plan: Add a new elective course on multicore systems Assessment of Undergraduate Programs

5 Assessment of Undergraduate Programs
IAB Suggestions Changes to the Curriculum: Remove CS 4341 (Digital Logic and Computer Design)/CS 4141 (Digital Systems Laboratory) Action: Faculty discussed this suggestion and decided to keep the course in the curriculum. The faculty felt that CS students should know how a computer hardware is designed using gates. Assessment of Undergraduate Programs

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