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The New Deal’s Critics Ch. 16 sec. 2

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1 The New Deal’s Critics Ch. 16 sec. 2
*Limitations of the New Deal--- -Fair Labor Standards Act only covered ¼ of all gainfully employed workers --set min. wage at 25 cents/ hour—below what established workers made --New Deal agencies played favorites to white men over women & minorities *Women--- -NRA codes allowed lower wages for women in ¼ of all cases -men had preferential treatment -domestic services were wide open = no protection…..slave labor, almost

2 *African Americans---
-fed. relief programs in South added to racial segregation --Afr. Ams. not offered professional jobs---kept out of skilled jobs --received lower pay than whites for the same work --Social Security Act----excluded farmers & domestic workers….this is nearly 2/3 of working Afr. Ams.! *New Deal did not do anything against discrimination practices in the North…..e.g. black neighborhoods had white owners that only employed white workers --”Don’t shop where you can’t work!” --lynching still happening……1938—Congress abandoned a bill to make it illegal!!! Why?.....(Southern power in Congress)


4 *Afr. Ams. had highest unemployment rate of any group during the Depression
--However….FDR appointed more Afr. Am. to policymaking posts than any President before him. *Political Critics--- The New Deal does too much??????????? --Republicans in Congress thought the New Deal went too far --WEALTHY people felt FDR was their enemy…… --his actions seemed socialistic --FDR pushed higher taxes aimed at the rich people --Some workers did not like the Social Security System----they felt it punished hard working people by having to pay into the system --Soc. Sec. #’s = military dictatorship…. --Felt that the New Deal was “un-American”, limited individual freedom, & reeked of Bolshevism

5 *The New Deal does NOT do enough!!!---
--Progressives & Socialists attacked New Deal --Upton Sinclair---wanted govt. to take over factories & farms in California = huge socialism --New Deal had only limited success eliminating poverty -Progressive & Socialist Parties saw a rise in membership *Other Critics--- --demagogues---leaders who manipulate people w/ half-truths, false promises, scare tactics --Father Coughlin---used radio broadcasts in 1930s --from a studio in Detroit, MI. --attacked FDR & the New Deal ordered by Roman Catholic officials to stop broadcasting, b/c his statements became more anti-Jewish & praised Hitler and Mussolini…

6 *Huey Long--- --Louisiana politician --Gov. of Louisiana U.S. senator-1932 --believed in redistribution of wealth across nation---govt. would take large fortunes --wanted New Deal & socialism----assassinated in 1935. *Modern-Day Critics--- -New Deal threatened American enterprise -hindered economic progress --created a dangerous federal bureaucracy --gave way too much power to President --policy of paying farmers NOT to plant was bad --market should determine the prices & demands for farm products. --people opposed deficit spending---paying out more $$ from the federal budget than the govt. pulls in

7 *The Court-Packing Fiasco---
--FDR got criticized for trying to pack the Supreme Court --wanted to add 6 more justices----all who supported the New Deal…….. --upset people who felt the President was getting too powerful….too much like European dictators (Hitler & Stalin)… ---FDR suffered a little bit, politically, but… the end, some S.C. Justices retired & FDR could appoint whom he wanted and his New Deal was still supported……..

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