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The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram

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Presentation on theme: "The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hertzsprung Russell Diagram
Order from Chaos

2 A Myriad of Stars Apparent Properties Position Motion Color Brightness
Diurnal Proper Color Brightness

3 Intrinsic Properties of Stars
Mass: Usual Unit is Solar Mass Stars Range from Solar Masses Size: Usual Unit is Solar Radii (7(105) km) Stars Range in Size from 2000 km (a white dwarf) to thousands of solar radii (a supergiant). Temperature: Kelvins (Sun is 5780K) Stars range from K Color Spectral Type: OBAFGKM Brightness Magnitudes

4 Spectral Types O Stars: Strong Helium Lines (35000K)
B Stars: Moderate Hydrogen lines and no Helium lines (20000K) -Rigel A Stars: Strong Hydrogen lines (12000K) - Vega F Stars: Moderate Hydrogen lines with ionized metal lines (7500K) - G Stars: Weak Hydrogen lines with strong neutral metal lines (5500K) - The Sun K Stars: Very strong neutral metal with some molecules (4500K) -Arcturus M Stars: Strong molecular features (3500K) - Betelgeuse

5 Do Stars Come in All Varieties?
If all temperatures and radii were possible then a plot of intrinsic brightness versus spectral type should show No Structure -- that is, all regions of the diagram are equally populated. However, if only certain radii (or range thereof) are possible at a particular temperature then a plot of spectral type versus luminosity should Show Structure. The answer is possibility number 2 This as we now know directly related to the masses and evolution of stars.

6 Magnitude versus Spectra Type
The HR Diagram Magnitude versus Spectra Type

7 The HR Diagram

8 The HR Diagram

9 CMD = Color Magnitude Diagrams
The HR Diagram CMD = Color Magnitude Diagrams

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