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Qualities of the Hero.

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1 Qualities of the Hero

2 Mysterious Origin Heroes may be sons of gods or royalty.
Most heroes have unusual childhoods. Some were left to die when they were babies. Then, they are rescued and raised in poverty or isolation. They do not discover their true parentage until they are older. Many need to prove themselves through some kind of sign.

3 Neither Fools nor Invincible
They have human qualities even if they are part god. They have fear and other emotions. They are not immortal; they can die. Some are only vulnerable in one spot. Some can be defeated only with a certain weapon.

4 Journey, Goal, or Quest Most go on dangerous adventures. Sometimes they choose the adventures; sometimes they are chosen to go on the adventures. Heroes need to defeat monsters or evil things. Sometimes heroes go on the quest in order to help people or to bring back an object that was stolen from the people.

5 The Heroes’ Ways Are Not Clear
The way or the path in the adventure is not always clear to the hero. Some get lost and need help. Some need guides to succeed. Some need to answer riddles to get to the next stage of the quest.

6 Dangers There are monsters, dangerous seas, cruel kings, etc.
The hero has feelings of isolation and sadness. The hero has to face temptations (many times in the form of women).

7 Friends When heroes are given friends to have during the adventure, the hero still feels alone sometimes. Many times, the friends do not totally understand what the hero goes through.

8 Guides There are often fairy godmothers, witches, etc.
Many times, the guides speak in riddles or leave out certain information on purpose. Sometimes guides provide the hero with magical assistance. Many guides have limited power.

9 Darkness Heroes go down into a darkness (underworld, cave, their own sadness/anger) during the adventure. The hero is different when they come out of the darkness (they learned something, etc.)

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