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Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14

2 I. John Brown

3 II. Compromise of 1850 A. Zach Taylor B. Clay, Calhoun, & Webster C. Fugitive Slave Law

4 D. Uncle Tom's Cabin

5 III. Election of 1852 A. Winfield Scott v. Franklin Pierce

6 I. Collapse of Second Party System (Whigs & Democrats)
A. Kansas Nebraska Act

7 B. Know-Nothings

8 C. Republican Party D. Bleeding Kansas

9 E. Sumner caned by Preston Brooks

10 II. Election of 1856 A. Fremont v. Fillmore v. Buchanan

11 I. Buchanan President A. Dred Scott 1857

12 B. Lecompton Constitution 1857
C. Lincoln Douglass Debates

13 D. Sectional tension rises

14 C. Secession

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