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Decoding 5 The Chaos Continues.

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1 Decoding 5 The Chaos Continues

2 Prefixes Un- [Latin] not, the opposite of; as in unsuccessful, which means not successful. Sub/Sur/Sug/Sup- [Latin] under or beneath; as in submarine, which is a device that goes under the ocean [mar]. Ultra- [Greek] excessive or beyond; as in ultrasensitive, which means excessively sensitive to something. Ob- [Latin] against; as in object, which means to disagree with something. In/Il/Im/Ir- [Latin] not, in, into, without; as in illogical, which means not logical.

3 Suffixes -ly [in the manner of] as in beautifully, which means in the manner of one who is beautiful. -crat [ruler] as in bureaucracy, which is a government official. -ate [to create] as in mutilate, which to to create mutilation. -latry [worship of] as in idolatry, which is the worship of an idol. -nomy [study or science of] as astronomy, which is the study of the stars.

4 Root Words Hydra [Greek] water; as in hydrant
Grat/Grac [Latin] pleasing; as in gracious Bene [Latin] good; as in beneficial Therm [Greek] heat; as in thermal Sect [Latin] to cut; as in section

5 Reading Vocabulary Linguistics - the study of the development of language. From a person’s birth until his or her death From the birth of the language to its death or today Discourse - the choosing of vocabulary from one’s lexicon based on the social situation. Think of how a doctor would talk to other doctors vs. their non-doctor friends and relatives. Dialect - a morphed version of a language (including the way that it is spoken [pronounced] or written) used among a certain subgroup. Think of Southern Dialect vs. NYC. Literacy - one’s ability to read and write. Linguistic Relativity - the theory that our ability to have complex thoughts is dependent on our ability to express them in language.

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